diplomsko delo
Mateja Skočir (Author), Aljoša Dežman (Mentor)


V slovenskem pravnem prostoru se mediacija uporablja od leta 2001, družinska mediacija pa od leta 2002. Čeprav se najpogosteje navezuje na postopek razveze zakonske zveze, je družinska mediacija uporabna tudi v drugih družinskopravnih razmerjih, v katerih so prisotni otroci. Iz določb Evropske konvencije o uresničevanju otrokovih pravic izhaja, da je sporazumno reševanje sporov nedvomno v korist otrok, in družinska mediacija je zagotovo najprimernejša metoda, s katero je mogoče to doseči.Cilj družinske mediacije je, da se po mirni poti pride do rešitve, ki je sprejemljiva za vse udeležence, predvsem pa mora biti rešitev v korist otrok. Otroci so tisti, ki jih spori najbolj prizadenejo. Od starosti otroka in njegove zrelosti je odvisno, kako se bo z dano situacijo soočil, vendar je ne glede nato otroku, ki je vpleten v družinskopravni spor, treba posvetiti posebno pozornost. Otrok, ki ga spor zadeva, ima pravico izraziti svoje mnenje, sam ali s pomočjo zastopnika. Glede vključitve v postopek mediacije so si mnenja različna, tako zagovorniki kot nasprotniki pa so si enotni, da je otroke treba seznaniti z zadevo na način, ki je primeren njegovi starosti in zrelosti. Naloga družinskega mediatorja je varovati koristi otroka in pomagati udeležencem v sporu pri ponovnem vzpostavljanju komunikacije med sprtima stranema ter jih spodbujati k sklenitvi sporazumnega dogovora, ki bo v korist vseh. Pomembno je, da starša svoje zamere in jezo preusmerita v iskanje rešitev za naprej in ozavestita, da čeprav sta odpovedala kot partnerja, še vedno ostajata starša svojemu otroku.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [M. Skočir]
UDC: 347.61-053.2(043.2)
COBISS: 2053234102 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Mediation has been practiced in the Slovenian law since 2001 and family mediation since 2002. Although family mediation is the most common in divorce proceedings, it is also used in other family law matters thatinvolve children. The European Convention on the Exercise of Children's Rights stipulates that consensual resolution of disputes undoubtedly benefits the children. In this respect, family mediation is the most appropriate method to achieve that goal. The purpose of family mediation is to amicably find a solution that is acceptable to all parties and that benefits the children, who are the most vulnerable in such disputes. The way the children involved in the dispute will deal with the situation depends on their age and level of maturity, but it is always crucial to devote them special attention. The children concerned have the right to express their opinion either by themselves or with the help of a representative. Opinions on the inclusion of children in the mediation process vary. However, those in favour and those against agree that children must be acquainted with the matter in a way that is appropriate to their age and level of maturity. The task of a family mediator is to protect the benefit of the child, help both parties to re-establish communication, and encourage them to find a consensual solution that would benefit everyone. It is vital that the parents turn their resentment and anger into willingness to find a solution, and grasp the fact that they continue to be parents to the child although they are no longer partners.
Secondary keywords: Družina;Diplomske naloge;Otroci;Mediacija;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: VI, 64 str.
ID: 10961975