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Andraž Gregorčič (Author), Blaž Jereb (Reviewer), Vojko Strojnik (Consultant), Bojan Leskošek (Mentor)


Da je moč trupa pri plezanju pomembna, je prepričana večina trenerjev in boljših plezalcev, resnih raziskav pa je malo. V magistrskem delu smo preučili, v kolikšni meri sta moč in vzdržljivost v moči trupa pomembni ter kakšna je njuna povezanost z uspešnostjo športnega plezanja. Za dosego zadanih ciljev smo organizirali meritve športnih plezalcev, ki smo jih razdelil v tri skupine (začetniki, rekreativci, vrhunski plezalci). Na meritvah smo z napravo Back-check testirali moč trupa, s testom upogib trupa 45° pa merili vzdržljivost v moči upogibalk trupa in kolka. Merili smo tudi moč in vzdržljivost v moči upogibalk prstov, eksplozivno moč spodnjih okončin ter izvedli antropometrijo. Nivo posameznikovega plezanja in druge informacije smo pridobili s pomočjo vprašalnika. Na podlagi rezultatov smo ugotovili, da imajo boljši plezalci večjo maksimalno moč upogibalk, iztegovalk in stranskih upogibalk trupa, prav tako imajo večjo vzdržljivost v moči upogibalk trupa in kolka, boljše rezultate so imeli tudi pri testih za moč in vzdržljivost v moči upogibalk prstov. Boljši plezalci so lažji, imajo manjši delež maščobne mase, višji delež mišične in kostne mase v telesu ter večji razpon rok. Pojasnjevanje uspešnosti plezanja s pomočjo regresijske analize kaže največji vpliv moči upogibalk prstov, vzdržljivosti v moči upogibalk trupa in kolka ter moči stranskega upogiba trupa. Od antropometričnih mer sta velik razpon rok in minerali okostja najpomembnejša prediktorja uspešnosti. Moč trupa kaže največjo in pozitivno povezanost z maksimalno močjo in vzdržljivostjo v moči upogibalk prstov ter razponom rok in deležem mišične mase v telesu. Posamezniki z večjo maksimalno močjo trupa so boljši tudi pri vzdržljivosti v moči mišic trupa.


šport;plezanje;balvansko plezanje;težavnostno plezanje;športno plezanje;fiziologija;športni plezalci;moč;vzdržljivost;vzdržljivost v moči;moč trupa;stabilizacija trupa;upogibalke prstov;antropometrija;tekmovalna uspešnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [A. Gregorčič]
UDC: 796.526:616-071.3
COBISS: 5419185 Link will open in a new window
Views: 806
Downloads: 745
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Core power and power endurance measurement and their impact on the performance of sport climbers at different levels
Secondary abstract: Despite the scarcity of research in this area, the importance of core power in climbing is acknowledged by most trainers and elite climbers. In this Master’s thesis I evaluated the importance of the extent of power and power endurance of the core. I also analysed the connection between this and the success of sport climbing. For this purpose, I divided the participants of the research into three groups (beginners, recreational climbers and elite climbers). The measurements of core power were obtained with the help of the Back-check device and the measurements of power endurance of core and hip flexors by implementing the Trunk flexion 45° test. Measurements of power and power endurance of finger flexors, explosive power of lower extremities, and anthropometric features were also taken into account. The information about the level of climbing skills and other relevant data was gathered via a questionnaire. The research shows that better climbers have greater maximal power of trunk flexors, extensors and side flexors. They also show greater power endurance in trunk and hip flexors and achieve better results in the power and power endurance of finger flexors measurements. Better climbers are lighter, the ratio of muscle and bone mass is higher, and they have a wider arm span. The regression analysis shows the greatest influence of the power of finger flexors, the power endurance of core and hip flexors and the power of side core flexors. The arm span and mineral bone density are shown to be the most important anthropometric features and are crucial to successful climbing. The core power shows the greatest positive connection with the maximal power and power endurance of finger flexors, wider arm span and the ratio of muscle mass in the body. The participants with greater maximal core power also show greater power endurance of core muscles.
Secondary keywords: sport;climbing;sport climbing;power;power endurance;trunk;finger flexors;climbing competitive performance;anthopometry;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
Pages: 99 f.
ID: 10961987