diplomsko delo
Jure Mubi (Author), Roman Globokar (Mentor)


Diplomska naloga se ukvarja s pravičnostjo pri darovanju ter porazdelitvi organov. Obravnava, kako trenutni sistemi in načini upoštevajo pravice donatorjev, zdravniškega osebja ter prejemnikov. Pokaže, na katerih področjih je potrebno biti še posebej pazljiv, da ne bi prišlo do zlorab. Na začetku se osredotoči na organizacijo Eurotransplant, ki skrbi za prerazporeditev organov v določenih državah Evrope, tudi v Sloveniji. Nato opiše sistem porazdelitve ledvic ETKAS, sistem točkovanja potencialnih prejemnikov ter kako obravnavajo paciente s statusom visoke nujnosti in otroke. V nadaljevanju obravnava še druge načine in sisteme, ki se ukvarjajo z doniranjem organov. Opisan je sistem denarnega nagrajevanja, odziv nanj v Nemčiji, Južni Koreji in na Švedskem ter kako vpliva na vrednotenje človekovega telesa. Za tem so opisani altruizem, recipročnost ter solidarnost. Ti trije koncepti predstavljajo jedro pomena darovanja organov in glavni razlog, zakaj naj bi se ljudje odločili za darovanje. Predstavljeni so primeri nepravičnosti v povezavi z doniranjem organov. Opisan je postopek darovanja organov po izvedeni evtanaziji, ki se izvaja predvsem v Belgiji in na Nizozemskem. Poleg tega pa je opisana tudi zmožnost in nezmožnost darovanja zapornikov v ZDA ter na Kitajskem in kakšen odnos imajo do tega. Ob koncu so predstavljena še načela pravičnosti, ki etično vrednotijo proces transplantacije organov.


pravičnost;darovanje organov;Eurotransplant;altruizem;recipročnost;solidarnost;evtanazija;smrtna kazen;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL TEOF - Theological Faculty
Publisher: [J. Mubi]
UDC: 616-089.843:177.9(043.2)
COBISS: 7970394 Link will open in a new window
Views: 770
Downloads: 338
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Justice at organ donation and allocation
Secondary abstract: Degree paper discusses justice at organ donation and allocation. It tells us, how do current ways and systems consider rights of donors, the medical staff and recipients. It shows, on which areas we have to be especially careful, so it doesn't come to any abuse. At the beginning, it concentrates on Eurotransplant organization, which takes care of allocation of organs in certain countries of Europe, including Slovenia. After that, it describes the ETKAS system, which is used to allocate donated kidneys, grading system of potencial recipients and how do they take care of patients with high urgency status and kids. Afterwards it describes other systems and ways used at organ donation. Firstly, the reward system is introduced, how do people in Germany, South Korea and Sweden react to it and how does it influence the valuing of the human body. After that, altruism, reciprocity and solidarity are described. Those three concepts represent the core of what organ donating really means and the main reason, why people should donate. In the next part, the unjustice actions correlated with organ donation are shown. This includes the process of organ donation after euthanasia, which mostly happens in Belgium and Netherlands. Besides that it describes the im/possibility of prisoners donating organs in the USA and in China, also showing what kind of attitude they have towards it. At the end, we introduce the principles of justice, which ethically value the process of organ transplantaion.
Secondary keywords: justice;organ donation;Eurotransplant;altruism;reciprocity;solidarity;euthanasia;capital punishment;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Teološka fak.
Pages: V, 42 str.
ID: 10961991