magistrsko delo
Nika Jerneja Hudnik (Author), Karmen Godič Torkar (Reviewer), Andreja Kvas (Mentor), Anamarija Zore (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Gripa je lahko za rizične skupine prebivalstva življenjsko ogrožajoča bolezen. Za zagotavljanje varnosti rizičnih pacientov glede preprečevanja nalezljivih bolezni, je zato zelo pomembno cepljenje. Najbolj učinkovita zaščita pred gripo je pravočasno cepljenje splošne populacije kot tudi zdravstvenih delavcev. S tem zdravstveni delavci preprečijo, da bi zboleli za gripo in da bi povzročitelja prenesli na paciente, s katerimi so v stiku. Namen: Zanimalo nas je, v kolikšni meri se zdravstveni delavci v dveh primarnih zdravstvenih ustanovah cepijo. Želeli smo ugotoviti dejavnike, na podlagi katerih se zdravstveno osebje v zdravstvenem domu in domu starejših občanov odloči za cepljenje, raziskati, ali je precepljenost pogostejša pri bolj izobraženem kadru ter ugotoviti ali obstajajo povezave med vrsto zaposlitve, delovno dobo, dostopnostjo cepiv in spolom ter odločitvijo za cepljenje. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela, pri kateri smo iz že objavljenih dejstev s pomočjo pregleda strokovne literature povzeli najvažnejše ugotovitve, v drugem delu pa smo z anketnim vprašalnikom raziskali držo zdravstvenih delavcev glede cepljenja. Analizirali smo odgovore anketnega vprašalnika, ki je bil povzet po avtorju Abdi Osmanu, in primerjali odgovore zaposlenih v dveh različnih zdravstvenih institucijah: zdravstvenem domu in domu za starejše občane. Rezultati: V letu 2015/16 se za cepljenje ni odločilo 73,06 %. S trditvijo, da so se cepili proti gripi zaradi prenašanja okužb na pacienta se je popolnoma strinjalo 30,8 % in zelo strinjalo 28,8 % anketirancev. Najpogostejši razlog za necepljenje so stranski učinki (40,4 %). Kot najpogostejši stranski učinek so anketiranci navajali rdečino na mestu cepljenja (36,3 %). Precepljenost proti gripi v obravnavanem zdravstvenem domu in domu starejših občanov je še vedno nizka; najpogosteje se cepijo zdravniki v 44,1 %, zatem diplomirane medicinske sestre / diplomirani zdravstveniki 23,4 %, medtem ko je precepljenost najnižja pri tehnikih zdravstvene nege in bolničarjih (17 %). Razprava in zaključek: Rezultati kažejo, da je precepljenost večja pri bolj izobraženih zaposlenih. Tisti s krajšo delovno dobo se cepijo pogosteje kot zaposleni z daljšo delovno dobo. Dostopnost cepiva je glede na vrsto zaposlitve enaka. Najpomembnejši faktor pri odločitvi za cepljenje pa je zlasti pri mladih zaposlenih priporočilo ustanove oziroma delodajalca.


magistrska dela;zdravstvena nega;medicinske sestre;nalezljive bolezni;preventiva;gripa;cepljenje;precepljenost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [N. J. Hudnik]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 5493611 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1332
Downloads: 467
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Influenza vaccination of health care team on primary level
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Influenza can be a life-threatening disease for high risk population. To ensure the safety of the patient's risk with regard to the prevention of infectious diseases, it is very important to vaccinate. The most effective protection against influenza is vaccination of general population as well as health care professionals. Vaccination prevents health care professionals from being infected with flu and to transfer pathogens to patients with whom they are in contact. Purpose: To determine how many of health care professionals in two primary health care facilities are vaccinated. Also, on what basis the health care professionals decide, whether to vaccinate or not and what are their opinions. We wanted to discover whether vaccination is more common among staff with higher education and determine whether there are links between the type of employment, period of working, availability of vaccines, gender and their decision to vaccinate. Methods: We used a descriptive method, in which we summarized the most important findings from already published facts by reviewing the scientific literature. Second part of the questionnaire included questions regarding the attitude of health care workers in relation to vaccination. We analyzed the answers through questionnaire, which was summarized by Abdi Osman and compared the answers of the employees in two different health institutions: a health center and a retirement home. Results: In 2015/16 73.06 % of respondents (health care professionals) decided not to vaccinate. The statement that the influenza vaccine is necessary, due to transmission of infections to a patient, was fully agreed with 30.8 % and agreed with 28.8 % of the respondents. The most common cause for not to be vaccinated are side effects (40.4 %). The most common side effect was redness at the vaccination site (36.3 %). As the results show, influenza immunity is still low in the health center in Ljubljana and in the retirement home. Doctors are the most vaccinated with 44.1 %, followed by graduate nurses / graduates with 23.4 %, while the incidence is the lowest with nursing assistance and nursing technicians (17 %). Discussion and conclusion: Vaccination is higher with more educated health care workers. Employees with shorter working period are more likely to be vaccinated than employees with longer working period. The vaccine availability is accessible to all, independent of the type of the employment. When deciding on vaccination, the most important factor for employees with short working period is the recommendation of the institution.
Secondary keywords: master's theses;nursing care;nurses;infectious diseases;prevention;influenza;vaccination;immunization;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 64 str., [6] str. pril.
ID: 10962013