magistrsko delo
Klavdija Zver (Author), Gregor Tomc (Mentor)


Ženske se z glasbo ukvarjajo tako dolgo kot moški, vendar se do 18. stoletja njihovo udejstvovanje dogaja za zaprtimi vrati. Čeprav so se do danes zgodile velike spremembe, glasbeno indrustrijo še zmeraj vodijo moški. Predstava patriarhalne kulture o vlogi žensk v glasbi pomembno vpliva na spolno sestavo glede na posamezni žanr popularne glasbe. V svojem magistrskem delu sem se lotila raziskovanja participacije žensk v štirih žanrih popularne glasbe; rocku, popu, elektronski plesni glasbi in jazzu. Popularna glasba je kot del popularne kulture odsev dogajanja v družbi, zato sem se pred razčlenitjivo na posamezne žanre, najprej lotila zgodovine žensk v glasbi in same patriarhalne teorije, na kateri temelji tudi empirični del. V njem sem na podlagi Billboardovih lestvic za naštete žanre ugotavljala razmerje števila žensk in moških na število pesmi/albumov na lestvici. Ko sem dobljene rezultate analizirala, sem preverila svoji zastavljeni hipotezi in sprejela sklepa, da se v žanrih rock in jazz pojavlja manj žensk, ker žanra nista skladna s patriarhalno predstavo o vlogi žensk ter da je več žensk dejavnih v popu in elektronski glasbi, ker je vloga žensk v teh dveh žanrih skladna s predstavo patriarhalne kulture o vlogi žensk.


patriarhalna kultura;participacija žensk;popularna kultura;Množična kultura;Ženske;Patriarhat;Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [K. Zver]
UDC: 316.7-055.2(043.3)
COBISS: 35840093 Link will open in a new window
Views: 728
Downloads: 285
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Women in popular music
Secondary abstract: Women have been actively involved in music as long as men, but their participation was kept behind closed doors until 18th century. Although significant changes were made until today, music industry is still run by men. The image of patriarchal culture about the role of women in music importantly affects sexual representation regarding individual genres of popular music. My Master’s thesis researches participation of women in four genres of popular music; rock, pop, electronic dance music, and jazz. As part of popular culture, popular music reflects what is happening in the society which is why I researched the history of women in music and the patriarchal theory itself before breaking it down to individual genres. This is also the basis for the empirical part of the thesis where I was determining the ratio between women and men in individual genres according to the number of songs/albums on the Billboard chart. Once I analysed the acquired results, I checked my initial hypotheses and came to the conclusion that there are fewer women in rock and jazz genres since they do not conform with the patriarchal image about the role of women, and that more women are active in pop and in electronic music since the role of women in these genres conforms with the image of patriarchal culture about the role of women.
Secondary keywords: Popular culture;Women;Patriarchy;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 95 str.
ID: 10962193
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