primer prodajalcev v avtomobilski industriji
Nina Golob (Author), Samo Pavlin (Mentor)


Znanje zaposlenih postaja vedno bolj poudarjena konkurenčna prednost organizacij, predvsem kadar se individualno znanje preko prenosa znanja pretvarja v kolektivno in se tako nadgrajuje, dopolnjuje in pripomore k razvoju organizacije. Po drugi strani pa ima večina prodajalcev individualni, variabilni del plačila, ki je odvisen od njihovega prodajnega rezultata, kar bi lahko predstavljalo veliko oviro za prenos znanja. V magistrskem delu sem na vzorcu osmih intervjuvancev poskušala ugotoviti, koliko je pri procesu prenosa znanja prisotna interna konkurenca in boj za vsako stranko, koliko pa kolektivna zavest in težnja po razvoju celotne avtohiše. Odgovorila sem na šest raziskovalnih vprašanj in se ob tem dotaknila zavedanja o prenosu znanja med prodajalci, definiranja vrst znanja, ki se prenaša, dejavnikov, ki prenos spodbujajo, načinov, na katere prenos znanja poteka, in vpliva, ki ga ima na delovno uspešnost prodajalcev. Ugotavljala sem tudi, ali sta strukturiranost in obseg prenosa znanja kakor koli povezana z uspešnostjo avtohiše. Rezultati so presenetljivi, saj kažejo, da prenos znanja na raziskovanem vzorcu poteka vsakodnevno in celo brez pričakovanj prodajalcev po dodatnih nagradah. A kljub temu niso navdušujoči. Izkaže se namreč, da je bolj kot količina prenesenega znanja pomembno, kakšno znanje se prenaša. Trenutno je to znanje potrebno za operativne naloge, v skoraj neopazni meri pa gre za znanje usmerjeno v inovacije in razvoj, ki pomeni konkurenčno prednost.


prenos znanja;avtomobilski trg;prodajalci;Organizacije;Znanje;Avtomobilska industrija;Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [N. Golob]
UDC: 005.336.1(043.3)
COBISS: 35839581 Link will open in a new window
Views: 772
Downloads: 266
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Factors of and methods for transferring knowledge within an organisation: case study of salesmen in the automotive industry
Secondary abstract: The knowledge of employees is becoming an increasingly emphasised competitive advantage of organisations, particular when the knowledge of individuals is transferred into collective knowledge, and thus builds on, complements and contributes to the development of an organisation. On the other hand, the salaries of the majority of salesmen have an individual, variable component that depends on sales results, which could pose a significant obstacle to the transfer of knowledge. In my master’s thesis, I used a sample of eight interviewees in an attempt to determine to what extent internal competition and the fight for every customer are present in the transfer of knowledge, and to what extent the collective conscious and efforts aimed at the development of an entire car dealership play a role in that process. I answered six research questions, and thus addressed awareness about the transfer of knowledge amongst salesmen, identified the types of knowledge that are transferred, factors that promote that transfer, the ways in which knowledge is transferred and the effect it has on the performance of salesmen. I also determined whether the structure and scope of the transfer of knowledge is in any way linked to the performance of the car dealerships studied. The results were surprising, as they indicated that the transfer of knowledge within the studied sample flows on a daily basis, and without expectations of additional remuneration by salesmen. Nevertheless, all of the results were not encouraging. My study indicated that the type of knowledge transferred is more important than the quantity of knowledge transferred. Today, that means the knowledge required for operational tasks, while knowledge that focuses on innovation and development, and thus a competitive advantage, is practically imperceptible.
Secondary keywords: Organizations;Knowledge;Automobile industry;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 146 str.
ID: 10962198
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