magistrsko delo
Klemen Vintar (Author), Boštjan Udovič (Mentor)


Zdravstvena politika Evropske unije je kompleksen pojem. Na eni strani države članice od samih začetkov evropske integracije poudarjajo svojo odgovornost za nacionalne zdravstvene sisteme in nacionalne zdravstvene politike, kar se odraža tudi v temeljnih pogodbah, po drugi strani pa se interesi držav članic srečujejo na določenih stičiščih, kjer obstaja skupen interes po večji harmonizaciji oziroma sodelovanju in skupnem ukrepanju na ravni Evropske unije, kar posledično pomeni pot v nadnacionalno urejanje področij ter prepustitev določene stopnje suverenosti nacionalnih držav Evropski uniji. Razumevanje zdravstvene politike Evropske unije je zato še posebej težavno, saj za enkrat ne obstaja enotna in celovita strategija, ki bi temeljila na specifičnih ukrepih in zakonodajnih aktih. Zdravstvena politika Evropske unije, takšna kot jo poznamo danes, je namreč skupek številnih ciljev in instrumentov, med katere sodijo tudi tisti, ki na prvi pogled ne zasledujejo zdravstvenih ciljev. V magistrskem delu na podlagi pregleda temeljnih pogodb Evropske unije ter literature začrtam vsebinski okvir zdravstvene politike Evropske unije, njene akterje ter pristojnosti in se dotaknem izzivov, s katerimi se bo spopadala zdravstvena politika Evropske unije v prihodnje.


Zdravstvena politika;Države Evropske unije;Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [K. Vintar]
UDC: 614.2:061EU(043.3)
COBISS: 35840605 Link will open in a new window
Views: 742
Downloads: 314
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The European Union health policy between subsidiarity and supranationalism
Secondary abstract: The European Union health policy as a term is a complex concept. On one hand, member states have always emphasized the importance of nationally focused health systems and health policies, which is directly evident in the fundamental treaties of the European Union, but on the other hand the interests among member states overlap where there is common interest for a greater harmonisation, cooperation and common action on the European Union level. This phenomenon means a window of opportunity for supranational cooperation regarding a common health policy while losing a certain level of national sovereignty of each member state. Thus the understanding of a common health policy becomes particularly challenging, as there is yet no common strategy based on comprehensive legislation for a potential implementation of such a common policy. The European Union health policy as we know it is merely a cluster of goals and instruments among which are also those that at first glance do not really pursue health-policy related goals. In my master's thesis I have outlined the conceptual framework of the European Union health policy by reviewing its fundamental treaties and other related literature. I identify the key actors and their competences and highlight challenges which the European Union health policy will be facing in the future.
Secondary keywords: Medical policy;European Union countries;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 78 str.
ID: 10962331