diplomsko delo
Anej Miglar (Author), Matej Majerič (Reviewer), Blaž Lešnik (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo v uvodnem delu predstavili značilnosti športne panoge in značilnosti starostne skupine otrok in mladostnikov. Na kratko smo predstavili razvoj gibalnih sposobnosti deskarjev in najpogostejše športne poškodbe, ki se pri deskanju na snegu pojavljajo, in pojasnili vzroke za njihov nastanek. Na podlagi starostne skupine smo v jedru opisali program vadbe, v katerem smo upoštevali njihove značilnosti. Pojasnili smo, zakaj in kako razporejamo razvoj posameznih gibalnih sposobnosti otrok. Program mladinske reprezentance tako vključuje in upošteva izkušnje, ki smo jih pridobili v praksi kot bivši tekmovalci in kot trenerji, ter znanje, pridobljeno na Fakulteti za šport v Ljubljani. Predstavili smo program vadbe, tekmovanj in treningov v pripravljalnem delu sezone, zakaj se odločamo za tabore in kaj vse treningi gimnastike vsebujejo. Namen diplomskega dela je bil predstaviti celoletni program treningov mladinske reprezentance prostega sloga v deskanju na snegu in primerjati način treniranja, organizacijo in izvedbo programa s prejšnjimi, ko so bile zahteve športa še manj specifične, potrebe po celostni pripravi in razvoju motoričnih sposobnosti otroka pa manjše. V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela, zato je diplomsko delo monografskega tipa. Pri analizi športne panoge in starostnih značilnosti otrok in mladostnikov so nam bili v pomoč domači in tuji viri iz knjig, diplomskih nalog in s spleta ter lastne izkušnje poučevanja na področju deskanja na snegu prostega sloga. Prav tako smo predstavili vzroke, zaradi katerih smo se odločili za spremembe v organizaciji in izvedbi programa. 


šport;smučanje;deskanje na snegu;prosti slog;otroci;razvojne značilnosti;gibalni razvoj;gibalne sposobnosti;telesna sposobnosti;tekmovanja;treningi;dvojna kariera;mladinska reprezentanca;skoki;program;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [A. Miglar]
UDC: 796.948-053.6
COBISS: 5449649 Link will open in a new window
Views: 771
Downloads: 384
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The program of youth freestyle snowboarding national teams
Secondary abstract: In the introduction of the thesis we presented characteristics of the sports industry and characteristics of the age group of children and adolescents. We presented the most common sports injuries in snowboarding and explain the causes for their occurrence. In the body of the thesis we described the training program based on the age group, taking into account their characteristics. We explained why and how are we contributing to the development of children’s individual physical abilities. The program of training and coaching the national youth team is based on the practical experiences gained as former competitors and now as coaches and of course the knowledge acquired at the faculty of sports. We presented a program of exercises, competitions and trainings in the preparatory part of the season, why we decide to do sports camps, and what is the content of the gymnastics trainings. The purpose of the thesis was to present a yearly program of trainings of the national youth team of freestyle snowboarding and to compare the method of training, organization and implementation of the program with the previous ones, in which the requirements of the sport were even less specific and the need for comprehensive preparation and development of motor skills of the child perceived as lesser. The descriptive method was used in the thesis, which is why it is of a monograph type. In analyzing the sports industry and the age characteristics of children and adolescents Slovene and foreign resources from books, the Internet, other diploma theses and own experience of teaching in the field of freestyle snowboarding were used and proved helpful. We also presented why we decided to change the organization and implementation of the program.
Secondary keywords: snowboarding;freestyle;tricks;competitions;program;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
ID: 10962397