magistrsko delo
Tadeja Tomlje (Author), Mateja Dagarin Fojkar (Mentor), Polona Gradišek (Co-mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo preučevali povezanost anksioznosti pri pouku tujega jezika in anksioznosti pri branju v tujem jeziku s spolom in učno uspešnostjo ter podali smernice za učiteljevo in učenčevo spopadanje z anksioznostjo v razredu. Anksioznost pri pouku tujega jezika namreč velikokrat negativno vpliva na učenje tujega jezika. Dandanes je sposobnost branja v tujem jeziku postala ena izmed osnovnih pogojev za komunikacijo in razvoj na vseh nivojih izobraževanja ter tudi pri zaposlitvenih možnostih vseh ljudi. Iz dosežkov učencev na nacionalnem preverjanju znanja iz angleščine v 6. razredu za leto 2017 lahko opazimo, da učencem branje malo daljšega besedila povzroča težave še posebej takrat, ko morajo sklepati iz sobesedila natančno brati in iskati podrobnosti. Ravno anksioznost pa je eden izmed ključnih dejavnikov, ki lahko ovira omenjeni bralni proces, še posebej kadar morajo učenci brati v tujem jeziku. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo predstavili anksioznost pri pouku tujega jezika s posebnim poudarkom na anksioznosti pri branju v tujem jeziku. V tuji literaturi je poznanih nekaj raziskav s področja povezovanja omenjenih vrst anksioznosti, v Sloveniji pa take raziskave nismo zasledili. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela smo predstavili rezultate raziskave, izvedene v aprilu in maju 2018, na treh izbranih osnovnih šolah iz gorenjske regije. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 209 učencev in učenk 6. razreda. Za proučevanje stopnje anksioznosti pri pouku angleščine smo uporabili vprašalnik FLCAS (Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale; Horwitz, Horwitz in Cope, 1986), za preverjanje stopnje anksioznosti pri branju v angleščini pa vprašalnik FLRAS (Foreign Language Reading Anxiety Scale; Saito, Gorza in Horwitz, 1999). Anksioznost pri branju v angleščini se dejansko v našem vzorcu razlikuje od anksioznosti pri pouku angleščine, kar dokazuje tudi različna porazdelitev učencev po stopnjah anksioznosti pri branju v angleščini in porazdelitev učencev po stopnji anksioznosti pri pouku angleščine. Učenci so poročali o višji stopnji anksioznosti pri branju v primerjavi z anksioznostjo pri pouku angleščine. Ugotavljali smo povezanost obeh preučevanih vrst anksioznosti s spolom anketirancev in oceno pri angleščini v preteklem šolskem letu. Raziskava je pokazala, da polovica učencev doživlja srednje močno ali zelo močno anksioznost tako pri pouku angleščine kot tudi pri branju v angleščini. Dečki sicer doživljajo višjo stopnjo obeh vrst anksioznosti kot dekleta, vendar razlika statistično ni značilna. Stopnjo anksioznosti tako pri pouku angleščine kot pri branju v angleščini pri anketiranih učencih s končno oceno 5 iz angleščine v preteklem šolskem letu lahko opišemo kot zmerno, medtem ko je pri učencih z nižjimi ocenami nizka. Ker lahko različne okoliščine in situacije pri učencu sprožijo anksioznost, je pomembno, da se znajo učenci z njo učinkovito spoprijemati. Zato smo v magistrskem delu na kratko predstavili strategije za spoprijemanje z anksioznostjo pri pouku tujega jezika za učence ter smernice za učitelje za razvijanje teh strategij pri učencih.


anksioznost pri pouku tujega jezika;anksioznost pri branju v tujem jeziku;FLCAS;FLRAS;učna uspešnost pri tujem jeziku;razlike med spoloma;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Tomlje]
UDC: 811.111:616.891.6(043.2)
COBISS: 12115785 Link will open in a new window
Views: 588
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Pupils' anxiety in English language instruction
Secondary abstract: In the master's thesis, we have studied the correlation between foreign language classroom anxiety and foreign language reading anxiety in connection with gender and learning achievement. We have provided guidelines for teachers and pupils tackling anxiety in the classroom. Foreign language classroom anxiety often has a negative impact on foreign language learning. Today, the ability to read in a foreign language has become one of the elementary conditions for communication and development at all levels of education, as well as for the employment opportunities of all people. From students' achievements in the National assessment of English knowledge of 6th grades (2017) we can notice that reading of longer texts can cause problems for students, especially when they need to conclude from the context, read in detail and look for details. Anxiety is one of the key factors which can hinder the reading process, especially when students have to read in a foreign language. In the theoretical part of the master's thesis, we have presented foreign language classroom anxiety with a special emphasis on the foreign language reading anxiety. There are some known studies about linking these types of anxiety in foreign literature, but we did not find such research in Slovenia. In the empirical part of the master's thesis, we have presented the results of the research carried out in April and May 2018 at three selected elementary schools from the Gorenjska region. The study included 209 6th grade male and female students. In order to study the degree of anxiety in English lessons, we used the FLCAS questionnaire (Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale; Horwitz, Horwitz in Cope, 1986), and in order to study the degree of foreign language reading anxiety in English, we used FLRAS questionnaire (Foreign Language Reading Anxiety Scale; Saito, Gorza and Horwitz, 1999). Foreign language reading anxiety in English language among our students is actually different from foreign language classroom anxiety, which is demonstrated by the different distribution of students by the degree of foreign language reading anxiety in English and the distribution of students by the degree of foreign language classroom anxiety in English. Students have reported on a higher degree of foreign language reading anxiety compared to the degree of foreign language classroom anxiety. We have found correlation between the two types of anxiety in connection with gender of the respondents and their grade in English language from the previous school year. The research has showed that half of the students experienced moderate or very strong anxiety both in English lessons and in reading in English. Boys experience a higher degree of both types of anxiety than girls, but the difference is not statistically significant. The degree of anxiety, both in English lessons and in reading in English, in students with a final grade of 5 from the previous school year, can be described as moderate, while in students with lower grades it can be described as low. Since various circumstances and situations can cause anxiety in a student, it is important that students are able to cope with anxiety effectively. For this reason, we have briefly presented the strategies for tackling foreign language anxiety for students, as well as guidelines for teachers to develop these strategies in students.
Secondary keywords: English language;anxiety;angleščina;anksioznost;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Poučevanje na razredni stopnji z angleščino
Pages: 59 str.
ID: 10973109