diplomsko delo
Špela Primar (Author), Stojan Kostanjevec (Mentor), Martina Erjavšek (Co-mentor)


Odrasli v svojo prehrano pogosto vključujejo živila, ki vsebujejo več sladkorja. Prav tako zaužijejo veliko pijače, ki vsebuje več sladkorja, kar predstavlja tveganje za zdravje. Starši pomembno vplivajo na prehrano otrok in oblikovanje njihovih prehranjevalnih navad, zato je pomembno, da se zavedajo tveganja, ki ga lahko nepravilna prehrana predstavlja za zdravje otrok. Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kakšen odnos imajo starši in vzgojitelji do vključevanja živil z več sladkorja v prehrano otrok. Za raziskovalni del diplomskega dela je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda raziskovanja. Inštrument, ki sem ga pri tem uporabila, je bil vprašalnik. Vprašalnik za starše je vseboval 10 vprašanj, medtem ko je vprašalnik za vzgojiteljice vseboval 7 vprašanj. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da starši otrokom največkrat nudijo živila in pijačo z več sladkorja ob praznovanju otrokovega rojstnega dne, prav tako pa otroci zaužijejo živila in pijačo z več sladkorja, kadar so na obisku pri prijateljih ali starih starših. Pijačo, ki vsebuje več sladkorja, otrokom večina staršev ponudi manj pogosto. Največkrat otrokom čez dan ponudijo vodo. Prav tako tudi vzgojiteljice največkrat otrokom ponudijo za žejo vodo. Anketirane vzgojiteljice menijo, da otroci v vrtcu redko zaužijejo živila in pijače z več sladkorja. Starši in vzgojitelji se zavedajo, da otrokovo prekomerno uživanje živil in pijač z več sladkorja lahko povzroči debelost in vpliva na pojav zobne gnilobe. Otrokom lahko nudijo dober zgled o zdravem načinu prehranjevanja tako, da živil in pijač z več sladkorja ne vključijo v vsakodnevno prehrano. Na podlagi analize rezultatov sklepamo, da nekateri starši vsakodnevno vključujejo živila in pijačo z več sladkorja, in sicer jih otrokom največkrat ponudijo za popoldansko malico, večerjo ter v obliki prigrizkov takoj po obroku ali v času med obroki. Za zdravje otrok in oblikovanje njihovih zdravih prehranjevalnih navad je pomembno, da se starši in vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove trudijo, da otrokom zagotovijo okolje in vzgled, ki jih bo spodbujal k uživanju zdrave hrane.


sladkor;sladke pijače;sladka živila;vrtec;starši;vzgojitelji;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [Š. Primar]
UDC: 613(043.2)
COBISS: 12115529 Link will open in a new window
Views: 426
Downloads: 95
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Parents' and teachers' attitudes towards integrating high-sugar foods into children's diet
Secondary abstract: Adults in their diet often include foods that contain more sugar. They also consume a lot of beverages that contain more sugar, which poses a health risk. Parents have a significant influence on the nutrition of children and on the shaping of their eating habits, which is why it is important for them to be aware of the risks that an irregular diet can present to the health of children. The purpose of the thesis was to determine the attitude of parents and educators towards the inclusion of foods with more sugar in the diet of children. For the research part of the thesis, a descriptive research method was used. The instrument I used for this was a questionnaire. The questionnaire for parents contained 10 questions, while the questionnaire for kindergarten teachers contained 7 questions. The results of the study show that, parents most often offer to children foods and beverages with more sugar for celebrating a child's birthday, besides that children also consume foods and beverages, with more sugar, when visiting friends or grandparents. Beverages that contain more sugar, most parents offer very rarely to children. Throughout the day they mostly offer them water. The same also goes for kindergarten teachers, who most often offer, for the thirst, children water. The kindergarten teachers, that participiated in the survey, believe that children in kindergarten rarely eat foods and beverages with more sugar. Parents and kindergarten teachers are aware that the child's excessive consumption of foods and beverages with more sugar, can cause obesity and affects the occurrence of tooth decay. They can provide a good example to children about healthy eating habits, by not including foods and beverages with more sugar in their everyday diet.Based on the analysis of the results we conclude, that some parents daily include foods and beverages with more sugar, which they most often offer to children for afternoon snack, dinner and in a form of snacks right after a meal or during meals. For children's health and for the shaping of their healthy eating habits, it is important that parents and educational institutions strive to provide, to children, an environment and an example, that will encourage them to consume healthy foods.
Secondary keywords: nutrition;pre-school child;prehrana;predšolski otrok;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: XI, 54 str.
ID: 10973113