diplomsko delo
Sandra Šunkar (Author), Stanislav Avsec (Mentor), Veronika Šinigoj (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu sem želela predstaviti in približati primerne ustvarjalno tehnične izdelke iz lesenih profilov otrokom v izbrani skupini. Pri vsakem otroku sem želela vzbuditi veselje do tehniškega ustvarjanja preko dejavnosti z lesenimi profili, s spoznavanjem tega materiala, z iskanjem možnosti uporabe in s postopki izdelave različnih ustvarjalno tehničnih izdelkov. Preko njih so pridobivali tudi nove prijetne tehniške izkušnje. V prvem delu diplomskega dela sem zapisala značilnosti tehnike za predšolske otroke, njeno povezanost z drugimi področji in opisala izbrano strategijo vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela. V nadaljevanju me je zanimala ustvarjalnost pri otroku in spodbujanje tehniške ustvarjalnosti. Za snovanje dobrega praktičnega dela sem raziskala tudi nekaj razvojnih značilnosti otrok izbrane skupine. Pri pripravi vzgojnega dela poudarjam vzgojiteljevo pomembno načrtovanje, cilje, varno delo in orodja. Med splošnimi materiali sem se osredinila na les, kateri je glavni material pri izdelovanju ustvarjalno tehničnih izdelkih, in naštela nekaj lastnosti ostalih materialov, ki smo jih še uporabljali pri dejavnostih. V empiričnem so predstavljeni rezultati vprašalnika, s katerim sem želela pridobiti čim več informacij o tem koliko in kako spodbujajo otroke k tehniški ustvarjalnosti ter ali pri tem uporabljajo tudi lesene profile. Ugotovila sem, da praktično delo z različnimi vrstami lesa najbolj spodbuja otroka k tehniški ustvarjalnosti, ki se ga v povprečju poslužujejo le do pet krat na mesec in pri tem malo uporabljajo lesene profile. V ta namen so bili zasnovani ustvarjalno tehnični izdelki iz lesenih profilov. Med praktičnimi nastopi v vrtcu so prikazane dejavnosti otrok, pri katerih sem analizirala samostojnost in čas, ki so ga potrebovali za vsak izdelek. Z vsakim novim izdelkom so bili otroci bolj samostojni pri izdelovanju. Čas, ki so ga otroci porabili za izdelavo določenega izdelka, se je v povprečju ujemal z zastavljenim prvotnim časom. Na koncu sem analizirala zastavljene cilje in hipoteze ter zapisala evalvacijo celotnega ustvarjalno tehniškega dela.


tehniška ustvarjalnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Šunkar]
UDC: 373.2.016:62(043.2)
COBISS: 12125001 Link will open in a new window
Views: 534
Downloads: 97
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Creative technical activities using wood profiles with children of ages 5-6 years
Secondary abstract: In this thesis I wanted to introduce and approach suitable technical and creative wooden profile products to a selected group of children. With each child I wanted to create joy for technical creation through activities with wooden profiles, familiarization with the material, exploring the possibilities of usage and production procedures of various technical and creative products. Through these products the children also gained new enjoyable technical experiences. In the first part of the thesis I wrote down the features of technology for preschool children, its relation to other fields and described the chosen strategy of educational work. I proceeded with exploring the creativity of a child and encouragement to technical creativity. To create a good practical part of the thesis, I researched development characteristics in a selected group of children. With preparation of the educational part, I emphasize the teacher's planning, objectives, safe work and tools. Among general materials I focused on the wood, as it is the main material in making creative-technical products, and listed features of other materials, which we also used in the activities. In the empirical, the results of the questionnaire with which I wanted to gather as much information as possible about how and how much the children are encouraged to be technically creative and whether they use wooden profiles in the process. I have found that practical work with different types of wood, which best stimulates the child's technical creativity, is used only up to five times per month, with little use of wooden profiles. For this purpose, creative and technical products from wooden profiles were designed. Child activities are shown during practical exercises in the kindergarten, in which I analyzed autonomy and the time needed for each product. With each new product the children were more independent in production. The time spent by children for the production of a particular product, on average corresponded to the originally set time. In the end, I analyzed the set goals and hypotheses and wrote down the evaluation of the entire creative technical work. In the end, I analyzed the set goals and hypotheses and recorded the evaluation of the entire creative technical work.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;engineering;predšolski otrok;tehnika;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: X, 102 str., XXV str. pril.
ID: 10973195