diplomsko delo
Gašper Klemenčič (Author), Stojan Kostanjevec (Mentor), Martina Erjavšek (Co-mentor)


Osnovna naloga za ohranjanje zdravja in omogočanje normalnega telesnega razvoja mladih športnikov je uživanje zadostne količine hrane in doseganje hranilnih potreb. Ko je osnovni pogoj izpolnjen, se je potrebno osredotočiti na potrebe, ki so odvisne od vrste fizične aktivnosti oz. športa. Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti prehransko znanje in prehranske navade mladih športnikov. V raziskovalnem delu sem z vprašalnikom ugotavljal njihovo prehransko znanje in prehranske navade. Anketiranih je bilo 75 mladih športnikov, katere sem razdelil v skupini otrok in mladostnikov. Otroci so rojeni med leti 2005 in 2008, mladostniki pa med 2000 in 2004. Rezultati ne kažejo večjih razlik v prehranskem znanju in prehranskih navadah med otroki in mladostniki. Njihovo prehransko znanje je pomanjkljivo. Rezultati kažejo, da večina mladih športnikov ne pozna priporočenih razmerij med skupinami živil, ki so vključena v prehranski krožnik in slabo poznajo priporočeno količino dnevno popite vode. Velik delež mladih športnikov, kar 75,7 %, redno zajtrkuje, 60,0 % pa jih vsak dan zaužije najmanj 5 obrokov hrane. Vodo uživajo bolj pogosto kot sladke pijače. Anketirani športniki manj pogosto uživajo zelenjavo. Rezultati kažejo, da imajo starši in trenerji pomemben vpliv na prehransko znanje in prehranske navade mladih športnikov, zato je pomembno, da se zavedajo svoje odgovornosti in se na tem področju izpopolnjujejo.


prehranske navade;športna prehrana;mladi športniki;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [G. Klemenčič]
UDC: 612.39:796(043.2)
COBISS: 12144201 Link will open in a new window
Views: 539
Downloads: 77
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Nutritional knowledge and dietary intake of young athletes
Secondary abstract: Meeting higher nutrient and energy requirement is crucial for a healthy growth, development and maturation of a young athlete. Population dietary guidelines references values are appropriate for addressing the micronutrient and energy requirements of children and adolescents, those involved in high-intensity sports training programs have higher nutrient and energy requirements. The purpose of the thesis is to determine the nutritional knowledge and nutritional habits of young athletes. In the research section of the thesis, with the help of a questionnaire, we determined their nutritional knowledge and nutritional habits. 75 young athletes were surveyed, divided into groups based by their age (children and adolescent). Children were born between 2005 and 2008, adolescents were born between 2000 and 2004. The results show no significant differences in nutritional knowledge and nutritional habits between children and adolescents. Their nutritional knowledge is insignificant. Results show that most young athletes do not know the relative proportions of each of the food groups to include on a healthy plate and do not know the daily fluid recommendations. A large proportion of young athletes, 75.7%, regularly eat breakfast, and 60.0% eat at least five meals a day. They consume water more preferably and more often than sweet drinks. The surveyed athletes are less likely to consume vegetables. The results show that parents and trainers have a significant impact on the nutritional knowledge and nutritional habits of young athletes, so it is important that they are aware of their responsibilities and improve their own nutritional knowledge to help young athletes develop healthy nutritional habits for life.
Secondary keywords: nutrition;sport;prehrana;šport;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Biologija-gospodinjstvo
Pages: VI, 47 str.
ID: 10973342