magistrsko delo
David Pungert (Author), Bojan Golli (Mentor), Gregor Bavdek (Co-mentor)


V teoretičnem delu najprej predstavim obravnavo svetlobe po načelih geometrijske in valovne optike ter kvantne mehanike. Opišem fluorescenco, odboj, absorpcijo, Rayleighovo sipanje svetlobe in uporabljena svetila. Nadaljujem z zgradbo očesa, receptorji v očesu in njihovo spektralno občutljivostjo. Predstavim povezavo med spektrom svetlobe in zaznano barvo. Izpostavim razliko med fizikalno definicijo in vsakdanjo rabo izrazov črno, belo in sivo telo. Opišem dva sistema za kvantitativno vrednotenje barv in omenim težave pri digitalni reprodukciji barv ter reprodukciji pri tisku. Teoretični del zaključim s predstavitvijo instrumentov, ki sem jih uporabil za merjenje temperature žarilne nitke in spektrov svetlobe. V empiričnem delu umerim spektrometer in izmerim spektre svetlobe, ki se odbije od obarvanih površin ter spektre vpadne svetlobe. Na podlagi izmerjenih spektrov analiziram povezavo med vpadno in odbito svetlobo. Na podlagi spektra vpadne svetlobe in odbojnosti vzorca napovem zaznano barvo. Praktično uporabo znanja prikažem pri vplivu svetil na barve predmetov v prostoru. Nadaljujem z obravnavo barv v učnih načrtih za osnovno ter srednje šole, raziskujem zakoreninjene predstave o zaznavi barv, ki so prisotne med dijaki in pripravim poskus, pri katerem različne obarvane predmete osvetljujem s svetlobo različnih barv. Uspešnost slednjega pri poglabljanju razumevanja pojavov povezanih z barvami testiram v šoli.


svetloba;barvilo;oko;spekter;svetila;zakoreninjene predstave;poskus;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [D. Pungert]
UDC: 535.61(043.2)
COBISS: 12155465 Link will open in a new window
Views: 683
Downloads: 115
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Light reflection off coloured surfaces
Secondary abstract: In the theoretical part of my thesis, I first present geometrical, wave and quantum models of light. I describe fluorescence, reflection, absorption, Rayleigh scattering of light and utilised light sources. I further describe the structure of the human eye, the photoreceptors inside, their spectral sensitivity and the correlation between the light spectrum and the observed colour. I expose the difference between the physical definition and everyday use of terms black, white and grey body. I describe two systems for quantitative analysis of colour and problems that appear in digital and physical colour reproduction at printing. I finish the theoretical part by describing the instruments that I use for measuring the temperature of tungsten filament and light spectra of light bulbs. In the experimental part of my thesis, I calibrate the spectrometer and measure the spectrum of incident light and light that has reflected off a coloured surface. By using the measured spectrum, I analyse the correlation between incident and reflected light and calculate the surface reflectance. For demonstration of practical use, I predict the colour of an object by knowing incident light and the applied pigment. I revive curriculum for primary and high school science and physics classes. Then I study incomplete perceptions and misconceptions about colour detection among high school students. I design an experiment in which different colours of light illuminate different coloured objects. I test the effectiveness of this experiment for improving understanding of colour detection in high school.
Secondary keywords: colour;barva;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Predmetno poučevanje
Pages: 100 str.
ID: 10973447
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