magistrsko delo
Osnovnošolsko izobraževanje romskih otrok je v Sloveniji, predvsem na Dolenjskem, še vedno problematično. Romi so etnična skupina, ki se v načinu življenja, vrednotah in navadah precej razlikujejo od ostalega prebivalstva. Zato je temeljni namen magistrskega dela pridobiti boljši vpogled v to, kako se romski učenci počutijo v slovenskih šolah, kakšen odnos imajo do izobraževanja ter kakšna je njihova samopodoba, še posebej na učnem in socialnem področju. Natančneje, v tem delu sem se osredinila na splošno, učno in socialno samopodobo ter na odnos do šole in učenja romskih otrok, ki obiskujejo redne osnovne šole v Mestni občini Novo mesto.
V teoretičnem delu sem s pomočjo literature predstavila Rome, njihov položaj v Sloveniji, natančneje sem predstavila tudi Rome v Mestni občini Novo mesto, posebej sem izpostavila šolanje in problematiko šolanja romskih učencev. Predstavljena je tudi samopodoba, posebej učna in socialna ter vpliv samopodobe na učno uspešnost in sprejetost v razredu.
V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave, ki je bila izvedena junija 2017 na treh osnovnih šolah v Mestni občini Novo mesto. V vzorcu so bili zajeti oddelki od 5. do 8. razreda, v katere so bili vključeni romski učenci. Sodelovalo je 200 učencev, od tega 25 romskih učencev. V raziskavi je sodelovalo tudi 14 učiteljev razrednikov, ki so v tem letu poučevali v raziskavi sodelujoče romske učence. Za ugotavljanje samopodobe je bil uporabljen vprašalnik za opisovanje samega sebe (SDQ-I), za ugotavljanje odnosa do šole in učenja pa vprašalnik o odnosu do šole in učenja, ki so ga izpolnili tako učenci kot učitelji. S krajšim intervjujem, ki sem ga izvedla z učitelji, sem pridobila podatke o učni uspešnosti in prisotnosti pri pouku v raziskavi sodelujočih romskih otrok.
Raziskava je pokazala, da imajo romski učenci, v primerjavi z njihovimi neromskimi vrstniki, nižjo splošno in učno samopodobo, medtem ko se na področju socialne samopodobe ne pojavljajo razlike med romskimi učenci in njihovimi sošolci. Zanimalo me je, ali imajo romski učenci v primerjavi z njihovimi vrstniki drugačen odnos do šole in učenja. Ugotovila sem, da se pojavljajo razlike, in sicer imajo romski učenci slabši odnos do šole in učenja kot njihovi sošolci, a je ta vseeno bolj pozitiven kot negativen. Pri primerjavi odnosa romskih učencev do šole in učenja in ocene učiteljev glede odnosa romskih učencev do šole in učenja, sem prišla do ugotovitve, da učitelji slabše ocenjujejo odnos romskih učencev kot oni sami. Zanimalo me je tudi, kakšen je odnos med samopodobo in učnim uspehom ter prisotnostjo v šoli in učnim uspehom. Ugotovila sem, da tako samopodoba kot prisotnost v šoli ne vplivata na učni uspeh romskih učencev.
Menim, da bo to magistrsko delo, še posebej njegovi empirični izsledki, učiteljem in drugim pedagoškim strokovnjakom, ki se pri poučevanju srečujejo z romskimi učenci, v pomoč pri načrtovanju uspešnejšega vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela z njimi.
romski učenci;odnos do šole in učenja;učna samopodoba;socialna samopodoba;Romi;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2018 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[J. Perko] |
UDC: |
159.923.2-053.5(=214.58)(043.2) |
Views: |
642 |
Downloads: |
119 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Self-concept of the Roma pupils and their attitude towards school and education in elementary schools in Novo mesto |
Secondary abstract: |
Elementary school process of the Roma pupils in Slovenia is still somehow problematic, especially in Dolenjska region. The Roma people are an ethnic group, which differs significantly from other population in their way of living, their values and habits. The main purpose of this Master’s Thesis is to offer a better insight into the way they feel at school, their attitude towards education, their self-concept, especially in the educational and social fields. To be more specific, I concentrated on the general, educational and social self-concept of the Roma children attending public schools in Novo mesto Municipality.
The theoretical part presents the Roma community, their situation in Slovenia, and I presented specifically the Roma people in Novo Mesto Municipality, with special emphasis on the education and the problems related to the education of the Roma children. I also presented the self-concept, especially educational and social, as well as the influence of their self-concept on academic success and acceptance in the classroom.
The empirical part presents the results of the survey, conveyed in June 2017, at three elementary schools in Novo Mesto Municipality. The sample included grades 5-8, which had the Roma pupils. 200 pupils participated, of which 25 were the Roma children. The survey also included 14 class teachers, who were teaching the Roma pupils from the survey. To determine the self-concept I used a questionnaire for self-description (SDQ-I), and to determine the attitude towards school and education I used a questionnaire about the attitude towards school and education, filled-in by pupils as well as teachers. I also interviewed teachers to gain data about the academic success and the attendance of the children participating in the survey.
The results of the survey showed that compared to their non-Roma peers, the Roma pupils have lower general and educational self-concept, while regarding their social self-concept there are no differences between the Roma pupils and their peers. I was also interested in their attitude towards school and education. I found out that there are differences, namely, the Roma children have a worse attitude towards school than their peers, but positivity still outweighs negativity. While comparing the Roma children’s own perception of school and education and the same perception as seen by their teachers, I found out that teachers evaluate their attitude worse than children themselves. I was also interested in the correlation between the level of self-concept and academic success, as well as the correlation between school attendance and success. The results show that these factors do not influence their academic success.
I think that my Master’s Thesis, especially in the empirical area, can help teachers and other pedagogical experts, dealing with the Roma children, plan a more efficient educational scheme. |
Secondary keywords: |
self-concept;samopodoba; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Poučevanje na razredni stopnji z angleščino |
Pages: |
64 str. |
ID: |
10973450 |