magistrsko delo
Mirjam Gazvoda (Author), Igor Saksida (Mentor)


Smrt je v življenju neizogibna in o njej se premalo govori. Menim, da bi se o tem doma in v šoli morali večkrat pogovarjati. V svojem magistrskem delu sem želela staršem in učiteljem predstaviti, kakšne knjige obstajajo na temo smrti, kako izbrana knjiga opiše smrt in jo približa otroku ter kakšen je otrokov odziv na prebrano knjigo. V teoretičnem delu sem se osredotočila na temo smrti, njeno zgodovino ter naš odnos do nje. Opisala sem otrokovo dojemanje in doživljanje smrti ter proces žalovanja pri otrocih. Predstavila sem tabujske teme v mladinski književnosti ter izpostavila pravljice in pomen pravljic za otroke. Teoretični del sem zaključila s predstavitvijo smrti v mladinski književnosti in pravljicah. V empiričnem delu sem opravila raziskavo, ki temelji na devetih izbranih pravljicah. Zanimalo me je, kaj bralcu ponuja posamezno izbrano delo in kakšen je otrokov odziv na motiv smrti v književnem delu. Tako sem v nadaljevanju najprej predstavila devet izbranih knjig, ki sem jih uporabila v raziskavi, sledi analiza posamezne knjige, odziv otroka ob prebrani knjigi in umestitev posamezne pravljice v otrokovo obdobje. Na koncu sledi skupna analiza dobljenih rezultatov.


tabujska tema;primerjava književnih del;otrokovo mnenje o knjigi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Gazvoda]
UDC: 82-93(043.2)
COBISS: 12161097 Link will open in a new window
Views: 558
Downloads: 134
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Death in contemporary young adult literature
Secondary abstract: Death is an inevitable part of life and it is not spoken about enough. I believe that we need to talk about it more at home, as well as in the classroom. In my Master's thesis, I wanted to showcase to the parents and to the teachers which books concerning the topic of death are available to them. I also wanted to show how a selected book describes death, how it makes a child familiar with the notion of death, and how a child responds to the book. In the theoretical part, I focused on the topic of death, its history and also our relationship with it. Next, I described children's understanding and experiencing of death and also their process of grieving. I presented taboo topics in youth literature and highlighted fairy tales and their significance for children. I concluded the theoretical part by presenting death in youth literature and fairy tales. In the empirical part, I conducted a research based on a selection of nine fairy tales. I was interested in what an individual selected work offers to the reader and what is the reaction of children on the topic of death in a literary work. Thereafter I present the nine selected books that were used in the research and present individual analyses of the books, the response of a child at reading the book, and the classification of the fairy tales into individual childhood periods. A collective analysis of the results is included at the end of the thesis.
Secondary keywords: children's and youth literature;death;mladinska književnost;smrt;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Poučevanje na razredni stopnji
Pages: VII, 61 str.
ID: 10975514
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