magistrsko diplomsko delo
Klavdija Beton (Author), Gregor Dugar (Mentor)


Magistrsko diplomsko delo proučuje vlogo nadzornega inženirja pri pogodbi o nadzoru nad gradnjo, kjer so opredeljene tudi njegove naloge in odgovornosti, ki so mu poverjene. Gradnja kot kompleksen proces zgraditve različnih objektov potrebuje strokovno in tehnično podkovano osebo, ki nadzoruje celotno izvedbo gradbenih del, da so izvedena v skladu s projektno dokumentacijo, z gradbeno zakonodajo in drugimi ustreznimi predpisi. Naročnik mora pri izbiri osebe nadzornega inženirja upoštevati, da ima izbrana oseba dovolj znanj in izkušenj s področja graditve objektov, da je lahko »kos nalogi«, ki ji je poverjena. V slovenskem pravnem redu imamo več različnih predpisov, ki urejajo vlogo in odgovornost nadzornega inženirja. V razmerju naročnika in nadzornega inženirja se zaradi asimetrije informacij lahko pojavljajo številne težave in nevarnosti v njunem razmerju. Pomembna je tudi razlika med našim pravnim redom, ki spada v kontinentalno pravno ureditev in anglosaško pravno ureditvijo, ki opredeljuje nadzornega inženirja kot neodvisnega strokovnjaka, ki poleg tehničnega nadzora opravlja tudi številne druge dejavnosti, med katere spadajo tudi svetovanje naročniku tekom gradnje in koordiniranje drugih udeležencev pri gradnji. Magistrsko diplomsko delo ugotavlja, da je vloga nadzornega inženirja v gradbenem procesu izredno pomembna. Njegova vloga ni izrecno urejena v Obligacijskem zakoniku, kar prispeva k temu, da pravice in obveznosti nadzornega inženirja, ki so opredeljene v Gradbenem zakonu kot javnopravnem predpisu, vplivajo na obligacijskopravna vprašanja in obveznosti nadzornega inženirja v razmerju do naročnika gradnje.


nadzorni inženirji;naročniki;pogodba o nadzoru nad gradnjo;Gradbeni zakon;Rdeča knjiga FIDIC;Posebne gradbene uzance;asimetrija informacij;kontinentalna in anglosaška pravna ureditev;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [K. Beton]
UDC: 349.4:347(043.2)
COBISS: 16385873 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1459
Downloads: 597
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Legal regulation of the Construction Supervision Contract with emphasis on the importance of the engineer
Secondary abstract: The Master's thesis examines the role of an engineer or a building surveyor in the Construction Supervision Contract, which also defines his duties and responsibilities that are entrusted to him. Construction as a complex process of building various facilities requires a professional and technically personified person, who monitors the entire construction work, so that is carried out in accordance with the project documentation, the construction legislation and other relevant regulations. When selecting an engineer, the employer must take into account that the selected person has sufficient knowledge and experience in the construction of objects, so that he can be "qualified for the tasks" that are entrusted to him. We have several different regulations within Slovenian legal order that regulate the role and responsibility of the engineer. Due to the asymmetry of information the employer and the engineer may encounter a number of problems and dangers within their relationship. It is also important to distinguish between our legal system, which belongs to the Continental legal system and the Anglo-Saxon legal system, which defines the engineer as an independent expert, who in addition to the technical supervision also performs many other activities, including counseling to the employer throughout the construction and coordination of other participants in the construction. The Master's thesis notes that the role of the engineer is extremely important in the construction process. His role is not explicitly regulated in the Obligatory Code, which contributes to the fact that the rights and obligations of the engineer, which are defined in the Building Act as a public law regulation, affect the legal issues and the obligations of the engineer in relation to the employer.
Secondary keywords: engineer;employer;Construction Supervision Contract;Building Act;FIDIC Red Book;Special Construction Usages;asymmetry of information;Continental and Anglo-Saxon legal system;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 44 f.
ID: 10975971
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