diplomsko delo
Kaja Štolfa (Author), Matevž Kos (Mentor)


Diplomska naloga se osredotoča na literarni razvoj kratke proze Franja Frančiča, s poudarkom na podobi sveta in izkustvu likov njegovega literarnega sveta, ki povečini stopajo po družbenem obrobju. Zaznamovani s tragičnimi življenjskimi izkušnjami se zatekajo v odklonilna družbena dejanja, kot so nasilje, odvisnosti ter nenavadne oblike erotičnih in spolnih praks in razmerij, kar pa so tudi značilnosti t.i. transgresivne literature oz. prestopniškega leposlovja. Prvi del naloge sestavlja kratek filozofski oris pojma transgresije, ki ga je prvi obširno obravnaval Georges Bataille, ter umestitev pojma v svetovni literarni okvir. V nadaljevanju skušam ugotoviti kaj konstruira družbeno resničnost Frančičevih likov ter koliko in na kakšen način subjekt v Frančičevi prozi zrcali prvine transgresivne fikcije. Pokaže se, da se Frančičeva kratka proza na mnogo mestih dotika Batailleove definicije transgresije, še posebej v načinu opisovanja erotizma, zlorab, nasilnih dejanj - iz tega izhajajočega eksistencialnega položaja subjekta ter kritiki družbenega sistema.


literatura in družba;slovenska književnost;kratka proza;transgresija;erotizem;Bataille, Georges;diplomsko delo;Frančič;Franjo;1958-;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [K. Štolfa]
UDC: 821.163.6.09-32Frančič F.
COBISS: 61812322 Link will open in a new window
Views: 645
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The undergradute thesis focuses on the literary development of short stories of Slovene writer Franjo Frančič, with the emphasis on the image and the experience of the characters of his literary world, who mostly come from the margins of society. Marked with tragic life experiences they seek consolation in the divergent social acts, such as violence, addictions and unusual forms of erotic and sexual practices and relationships. These characteristics also happen to be main features of a literary genre called transgressive literature or transgressive fiction. The first part of the thesis consists of a brief outline of the philosophical concept of transgression, which was first widely discussed by Georges Bataille, and how the transgressive literature illuminates this definition. Then the research attempts to analyze what exactly constructs the social reality of characters in short prose of Franjo Frančič and how it reflects the elements of transgressive fiction. It appears that the short stories of Franjo Frančič touch Bataille's definition of transgression in many places, especially in the way of describing existential situation of the individuals, the experince of eroticism, abuse, violence and in criticism of the social system.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za primerjalno književnost in literarno teorijo
Pages: 34 str.
ID: 10976188
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