delo diplomskega projekta
Lavra Berger (Author), Vesna Čančer (Mentor), Sonja Sibila Lebe (Co-mentor)


Za nastanitveni objekt je pomembno, da vzdržuje konkurenčnost z drugimi ponudniki, saj je od slednje odvisen njegov obstanek na trgu. To je bil tudi razlog, da smo se v tem delu diplomskega projekta posvetili iskanju rešitev za revitalizacijo ponudbe v Hotelu Grande. Najprej smo izvedli tehniko za definiranje problema. Nato so sledile tehnike, s katerimi smo generirali ideje. Na podlagi tehnik za ustvarjalno razmišljanje smo prišli pri tehniki zapisovanje idej do najustreznejših rezultatov. V nadaljevanju smo presojali na podlagi analize odločanja ustreznost rešitev s programom Web-HIPRE. Presojali smo med štirimi idejami, in sicer med: ureditvijo sejne sobe, ureditvijo bara, ureditvijo sobe za najem in dnevni počitek ter prenovo sob. S pomočjo programa smo opredelili kriterije in podkriterije, ki vplivajo na našo izbiro, ter tako pričeli s procesom večkriterijskega odločanja. Na koncu smo prišli do rešitve, da je najboljša ideja oziroma rešitev ureditev sejne sobe.


hotelirstvo;ponudba;organizacija poslovanja;večkriterijsko odločanje;reševanje problemov;revitalizacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [L. Berger]
UDC: 640.4
COBISS: 13275932 Link will open in a new window
Views: 867
Downloads: 82
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Offer revitalization in Hotel Grande
Secondary abstract: It is imperative for hospitality accommodations to maintain their competitiveness with other providers in order to maintain their place on the market. In this bachelor’s project, we have focused on finding new ideas on how to revitalize the offer off Hotel Grande. The first step was implementing the problem defining-technique. After that, techniques for generating new ideas followed. Based on all of the techniques we employed, the so called »idea writing« method yielded the best results. We had to evaluate some of the best ideas we had (based on decision-making), using the Web-HIPRE computer program. We were deciding and analyzing among four ideas, and they were: furnishing a conference room, redecorating a bar, decorating a room for renting and daily rest and renovation of hotel rooms. With the help of a program, we have defined the criteria and sub-criteria that influenced our choice and then followed up with the process of multi-criteria decision making. Our final conclusion was that furnishing a conference room would be the best idea.
Secondary keywords: creative problem solving;multi-criteria decision making;Web-HIPRE;hotel offer.;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 37 str., 6 str. pril.
ID: 10976383