diplomsko delo
Sara Abrahamsberg (Author), Janez Vrečko (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu se ukvarjam s primerjavo Sofoklove tragedije Kralj Ojdip in Evripidove tragedije Bakhe. V primerjavi se osredotočam predvsem na ritualne prvine ter kako se le-te kažejo v obeh tragedijah. Teorija ritualno - herojskega tragedijo razdeli na dva tipa: ritualno, ki zajema prvine stari Sacer ludus (ritualni ples) in se konča s ponovnim vzponom vegetacijskega boga, ter herojsko, ki se osredotoča na junaka kot heroja, kateri že pozna hybris oz. usodno zmoto, kar v sklepnem delu ne more pripeljati do sprave in obuditve. Herojska tragedija se v okviru zgodovinsko razumljenega časa lahko konča le s smrtjo. Obe tragediji ritualno ponazarjata v drugačni obliki, Kralj Ojdip skozi motive, Bakhe pa preko dveh ritualnih shem - ritualne in estetske. Evripid s tem ponazori prehod iz ritualne tragedije v herojsko tragedijo, ki ima že estetske prvine. V vsebino sem vključila tudi teorijo tragedije, kjer poizkušam še bolj natančno opredeliti ritualno in herojsko, ter v nadaljevanju tudi primerjavo Freudove teorije Ojdipovega kompleksa s teorijo Ojdipa kot prvotno vegetacijskega boga.


antična dramatika;starogrška tragedija;ritualno;diplomsko delo;Sophocles;496-406 pr.n.š.;"Kralj Ojdip";Euripides;ok. 485-406 pr.n.š.;"Bakhe";


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [S. Abrahamsberg]
UDC: 821.14'02.09-21
COBISS: 61952610 Link will open in a new window
Views: 806
Downloads: 218
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: I write about comparasion between Sophocles' tragedy Oedipus the King and Euripides' tragedy The Bacchae. In comparasion I focus on ritual elements and how these show in the both tragedies. I divide the tragedy on two tipes: ritualistic, which includes elements of old Sacer ludus (ritual dance) and ends with the rise vegetation god, and heroically, which focuses on the hero, who alredy knows hybris (fatal error). In the end of the heroic tragedy reconciliation and revival is not possible, because of hero's hybris. Heroic tragedy can end only with death. Both the tragedy illustrate of a ritual in different form - Oedipus the King trought the motives and The Bacchae trought the two ritual schemes: ritual schems and easthetic schems. Euripides illustrated the transition from ritual tragedy in the heroic tragedy, that has alredy aestetic elements. In the content I included the teory of tragedy, where I would like to define more precisely the ritual and heroic tragedy. I did also a comparasion with the teory of Oedipus complex with the teory of Oedipus as the original vegetation god.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za primerjalno književnost in literarno teorijo
Pages: 35 str.
ID: 10976734
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