diplomsko delo
Kaja Jurgele (Author), Gašper Troha (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo predstavlja gledališče zatiranih Augusta Boala ter različne vaje in metode, ki jih je Boal uporabil pri svojem delu. Te metode so nato poiskane pri posameznikih, ki se ukvarjajo z gledališčem zatiranih v Sloveniji ali pa uporabljajo podobne metode, z namenom ugotoviti, če imamo pri nas podobne iniciative ali probleme in kakšne odmeve je imel Boal pri nas. Gledališče zatiranih je zasnoval brazilski režiser, dramatik in politik Augusto Boal in je aktivistično in politično gledališče za družbene spremembe. V njem ni pomemben estetski doživljaj, ampak je to predvsem orodje ljudstva kako spregovoriti o različnih problemih, izraziti kritike družbe in sistema ter nesorazmerje moči. Namen je tudi pomagati udeležencem, da ozavestijo svoje telo, kot inštrument za gledališče oziroma medij komunikacije - v ta namen je Boal sestavil in zapisal sistem vaj in tehnik, ki pomagajo udeležencu, da se pripravi na sodelovanje v tovrstnem gledališču. To naredi s tem, da sodeluje tako na odru in tudi kot del občinstva - ima možnost interveniranja in soustvarjanja gledaliških prizorov, kar mu daje moč in ga pripravi na situacije v realnem življenju. To je Boal storil tako, da je izumil nov termin gledalca, ki je hkrati tudi igralec (iz angleščine spect-actor). Diplomsko delo raziskuje odmeve gledališča zatiranih v slovenskem prostoru in prakse, ki imajo s tem kaj skupnega ali delujejo v podobni smeri. Gledališče zatiranih najbolj deluje med ljudmi, med 'zatiranimi', ko poruši zid med odrom in avditorijem. Na slovenskih tleh po principih Augusta Boala deluje skupina Transformator, obstajajo pa tudi posamezniki, ki pri svojem delu črpajo iz le tega ali pa se mu približujejo - to sta Draga Potočnjak, ki je delala z begunci in Domen Rakovec, ki dela z brezdomci.


politično gledališče;gledališče zatiranih;literarni vplivi;slovensko gledališče;KUD Transformator;Potočnjak, Draga;Rakovec, Domen;diplomsko delo;Boal;Augusto;1931-2009;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [K. Jurgele]
UDC: 792.01Boal A.
COBISS: 61960034 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1017
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: This diploma represents the theatre of the opressed designed by Augusto Boal and different excercised and methods which Boal used in his work. These methods are then retrieved in individuals who are dealing with the theatre of the opressed in Slovenia or are using similar methods, in order to determine if there exsist similar initiatives or problems on Slovenian ground and if Augusto Boal left any traces of his work there. Theatre of the opressed was designed by Brazilian filmmaker, playwright and politician and it is an activist and political theatre for social changes. It is not important to create an aesthetic experience rather than that people are using the theatre of the opressed as a tool for speaking about a variety of problems, to express criticism of the society and the system and as well the disproportionate power. The purpose is also to help the participants to be aware of their bodies as an instrument or media for communicating - for this purpose Boal made and wrote a system of excercises and techniques that help the participant to prepare to participate in this theatre. This is done by being involved as both - an actor and a spectator on stage. The participant has the option of intervening and making the theatrical scenes, which gives him power and prepares him for situations in real life. For this Boal invented a new expression - specactor, which is an actor and a spectator at the same time. Thesis also explores the echoes of the theatre of the opressed in the Slovenian space and the practises that have something in common with it. The theatre of the opressed works best among people or when working with the 'opressed', tearing down the wall between the stage and auditorium. On Slovenian ground works a group called Transformator, which follows Boal's methods and techniques, but there are also indivuduals, who draw from his work or are approaching it - this are Draga Potočnjak, who worked with refugees and Domen Rakovec, who works with the homeless.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za primerjalno književnost in literarno teorijo
Pages: 32 f.
ID: 10976737