diplomsko delo
Sara Štern (Author), Tone Smolej (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo se ukvarja s tremi romani, v katerih se pojavlja motiv terorista. Ti romani so Besi Dostojevskega, Z zahodnimi očmi Conrada in Peterburg Belega. Avtorji se pri pisanju opirajo na resnične zgodovinske osebnosti, kot so Nečajev, Bakunin in Azev. Dostojevski se v svojem romanu ukvarja z dogodkom, ki se je res zgodil, ter skuša prikazati ruske teroriste v vsej njihovi veličini in patetiki. Conrad iz zornega kota tujca opisuje razlike med zahodnim svetom in Rusi ter prikaže, kako so delovale ruske revolucionarne skupine v tujini. Beli pa se v svojem delu osredotoči na Peterburg in tamkajšnje dogajanje. Pri vseh avtorjih lahko opazujemo ruske teroriste in način njihovega delovanja, zaradi česar nam je ponujen uvid v to, kar jih žene in zaradi česar so tako predani svojim ciljem.


ruska književnost;angleška književnost;literarni liki;terorist;terorizem;diplomsko delo;Dostoevskij;Fedor Mihajlovič;1821-1881;"Besi";Conrad;Joseph;1857-1924;"Z zahodnimi očmi";Belyj;Andrej;1880-1934;"Peterburg";


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [S. Štern]
UDC: 82.091:323.28
COBISS: 64563810 Link will open in a new window
Views: 676
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Undergraduate thesis deals with three novels in which a motif of terrorist can be found. Those novels are Demons by Dostoevsky, Under Western Eyes by Conrad and Petersburg by Bely. Authors use actual historical figures as their inspiration, those figures being Nechaev, Bakunin and Azev. Dostoevsky writes about a historical event and attempts to portray Russian terrorists in all their glory and gore. Conrad uses a viewpoint of an outsider to describe the differences between the western world and Russians. He illustrates how Russian revolutionary groups worked abroad. In his novel, Bely focuses on Petersburg and the events there. All three authors illustrate Russian terrorists and how they work with which they give us an insight into their motivations and goals and show why they are so committed to their cause.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za primerjalno književnost in literarno teorijo
Pages: 38 f.
ID: 10976751
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