[diplomsko delo]
Vid Skrbinšek (Author), Vanesa Matajc (Mentor), Mateja Pezdirc-Bartol (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu skušam osvetliti performativni preobrat v šestdesetih letih z vidika likovnega performativa. V ospredju analize je prehod iz vrhunca modernizma v začetke postmodernizma, pri čemer se osredotočam na preskok likovne umetnosti iz udobja in statičnosti artefakta v odprtost, minljivost, neponovljivost in pristnost likovnega dogodka. Nova estetika tudi v likovni umetnosti sili v multimedijskost, iz česar izhaja moje zanimanje za povezavo likovne umetnosti (likovnega performativa) in teatra. V diplomskem delu se namreč sprašujem, ali se lahko likovni performativ pojavlja v teatru kot konkurenčen semiotični element ostalim gledališkim elementom.


gledališče in likovna umetnost;modernizem;postmodernizem;likovna drama;postdramsko gledališče;neoavantgarda;performativna umetnost;performans;diplomsko delo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [V. Skrbinšek]
UDC: 792.01:7
COBISS: 67717218 Link will open in a new window
Views: 729
Downloads: 180
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In diploma thesis I am researching the performative transition during the 1960s, understanding it through the form of performative art. The main focus is the transition era from vibrant modernism into the early years of postmodernism, it is when fine art was pushed from its comfortableness and rigidity into openness, transience, uniqueness and authenticity of an art happening. My interest in connecting fine art (performative art) and theatre originated on the basis of the new aesthetic that started presenting itself in multimedia. The main question of the thesis is whether performative art can perform in the theatre as the competitive semiotic element in comparison with other theatrical elements.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za primerjalno književnost in literarno teorijo, Oddelek za slovenistiko
Pages: 39 f.
ID: 10976798
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