diplomsko delo
Špela Zupančič (Author), Vanesa Matajc (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo obravnava predstavljanje identitete in eksila v treh sodobnih, delno avtobiografskih romanih avtorjev s področij nekdanje Jugoslavije, ki jih družijo izkušnje jugoslovanskih vojn v zadnjem desetletju 20. stoletja. To so romani Dragana Velikića Bonavia (2012), Daše Drndić Canzone di guerra. Nove davorije (1998) in Aleksandra Hemona Nowhere Man (2002). Predstavljeno je, kako se identiteta literarnih oseb oblikuje v kontekstu eksila, kaj nanjo vpliva, zakaj se osebe za eksil odločijo in kaj ta zanje pomeni. Osebno identiteto junakov kot izseljencev oblikuje več dejavnikov, in sicer preteklost, spomini, vojna, migracije, eksil, jezik, odnos do prednikov, zlasti odnos med starši in otroki, ter odsotnost staršev. Poglavitni razlog za odhod je želja po umiku iz preteklosti ali trenutnega stanja, ki osebe utesnjuje, ter posledično želja po boljšem in svobodnejšem življenju. Poleg tega odhajajo zaradi nevarnosti bližajoče se vojne, občutkov ujetosti v lastno državo, partnerske in družinske odnose ali zato, da se jim ne bi bilo treba dokončno soočiti s samimi seboj.


literatura in eksil;srbska književnost;hrvaška književnost;bošnjaška književnost;avtobiografska literatura;vojna v Jugoslaviji;izgnanstvo;identiteta;diplomsko delo;Velikić;Dragan;1953-;Drndić;Daša;1946-2018;Hemon;Aleksandar;1964-;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [Š. Zupančič]
UDC: 821.163.09
COBISS: 67731298 Link will open in a new window
Views: 853
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: This bachelor's thesis deals with the presentation of identity and exile in three contemporary, partly autobiographic novels by authors from parts of former Yugoslavia, joined by the same experience of Yugoslav wars in the 1990's: Bonavia (2012) by Dragan Velikić (2012), Canzone di guerra. Nove davorije (1998) by Daša Drndić, and Nowhere Man (2002) by Aleksander Hemon. The thesis presents how the identity of the literary characters is shaped in the context of exile, what affects the identity, why people decide for exile and what that means for them. Personal identity of literary characters as emigrants depends on many factors, such as the past, memories, war, migrations, exile, language, relationship with ancestors, especially relationship between parents and children, and parents' absence. The main reason for leaving is wanting to escape the past or the current confining state and the consequent desire to have a better and freer life. In addition, they leave due to the danger of the upcoming war, feelings of being captives of their own country or relationships, or because they refuse to confront themselves.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za primerjalno književnost in literarno teorijo
Pages: 53 f.
ID: 10976799