(magistrsko diplomsko delo)
Lea Malovec (Author), Bojan Bugarič (Mentor)


V magistrski nalogi obravnavam tematiko predšolske vzgoje in izobraževanja v Republiki Sloveniji s pravnega vidika. Predšolska vzgoja ima izreden pomen in v letih pridobiva še večji pomen. Sprva je bil vrtec mišljen zgolj kot varstvo otrok, vendar je skozi leta razširil svoje funkcije in je sedaj vzgojno izobraževalna ustanova, saj se že v vrtcih začenja prvo izobraževanje, ki poteka po nacionalnem planu Kurikulum za vrtce. Predšolska vzgoja je prva vzgoja, s katero se sreča otrok, in ga lahko pomembno zaznamuje za celotno življenje. Še posebej, ker študije kažejo, da imajo otroci izredno možnost pomnjenja. Prav tako je predšolska vzgoja izredno pomembna z vidika staršev, saj organizirano varstvo omogoča, da se starši oz. matere lahko čim prej vrnejo na svoja delovna mesta. Gre za pomemben vidik z vidika organizacije zasebnega in poslovnega življenja. V Sloveniji je dovoljeno ustanavljanje zasebnih in javnih vrtcev. Ko se omogoča tudi različne ostale oblike varstva, se država zaveda, kako zelo pomembno je to za razvoj bodočih generacij. Hkrati to posredno krepi gospodarstvo. Magistrska naloga je razdeljena na poglavja, ki predstavljajo ustanavljanje, financiranje in programe, ki se lahko izvajajo v vrtcih, s poudarkom na razlikah med njimi. Na žalost velja splošno pravilo, da starši otroka vpisujejo v geografsko najbližji javni vrtec in se ne poglobijo v možnosti, ki jih imajo z vpisom otroka v zasebni vrtec. Hkrati je pomembno poudariti, da je javno šolstvo v Sloveniji dobro. Prav tako je dobro poskrbljeno za predšolsko vzgojo in ta ni nikakor ogrožena s strani zasebnega šolstva. Kljub trudu je dejansko zapisan samo določen segment, saj je to izredno široko področje, ki bi terjalo zelo poglobljeno študijo še dodatnih vprašanj in poglobljenih odgovorov. Magistrska naloga je splošen prikaz širine in kompleksnosti področja predšolske vzgoje in izobraževanja. Morda ne bo pomagala nekomu, ki želi ustanoviti zasebni vrtec, a bo pomagala prikazati najpomembnejše segmente le-tega in samo delovanje ter prednosti zasebnega vrtca.


vzgoja in izobraževanje;predšolska vzgoja;javni vrtec;zasebni vrtec;evropski visokošolski prostor;javne službe;kurikulum;javnoveljavni program;financiranje;ustanavljanje;koncesija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [L. Malovec]
UDC: 34:373.2(043.2)
COBISS: 16393297 Link will open in a new window
Views: 883
Downloads: 313
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Legal aspects of private kindergartens
Secondary abstract: In the master’s thesis, I discuss the topic of preschool education in the Republic of Slovenia from the legal perspective. Preschool education has an outstanding significance and gains even bigger significance in years. At first, the kindergarten was intended only as childcare. In years, however, it spread its functions. Now, it is an educational institution, as the first education begins in kindergartens and proceeds according to the national plan the Curriculum for kindergartens. Preschool education is the first education encountered by a child. It can significantly mark him for his entire life. Especially due to the fact that the studies show that children have an outstanding opportunity of remembering. At the same time, preschool education is important for the parents’ perspective, as the organized daycare enables that parents or mothers can return to their working positions as soon as possible. It is an important aspect from the perspective of the organization of the private and business life. In Slovenia, it is allowed to establish private and public kindergartens. When various other forms of daycare are enabled, the government realizes how very important that is for the development of future generations. At the same time, it strengthens the economy indirectly. The master’s thesis is divided into chapters which represent establishment, financing, and programs which can be performed in kindergartens with the emphasis on the differences between them. Unfortunately, there is a general rule that parents enroll a child in the geographically closest public kindergarten and do not deepen into the opportunities they have with the enrollment of a child in the private kindergarten. At the same time, it is important to stress that public health in Slovenia is good. At the same time, it is well taken care of preschool education which is by no means threatened by the private education. In spite of the effort, only a certain segment is actually written, as this is an extremely broad area which would demand an in-depth study of additional questions and in-depth answers. The master’s thesis is a general display of width and complexity of the field of the preschool education. Perhaps, it will not assist someone who wants to establish a private kindergarten. However, it will help to present the most important segments of that and the operations itself as well as the advantages of the private kindergarten.
Secondary keywords: education;preschool education;public kindergarten;private kindergarten;public service;curriculum;publicly recognized program;financing;establishing;concession;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 59 f.
ID: 10977111
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, (magistrsko diplomsko delo)
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