diplomsko delo
Neža Lenček (Author), Franc Trček (Mentor), Eva Vrtačič (Co-mentor)


Identiteta posameznika v sodobni družbi je močno povezana z vsakdanjo množično uporabo interneta. To se odraža v vse večji individualizaciji ter odmiku od sodelovanja v tradicionalnih skupnostih. Zaradi prihoda informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij imajo, na podlagi svojih zanimanj, posamezniki možnost vstopati v različne virtualne skupnosti, pri katerih je najpomembnejši predvsem njihov osvobojevalni vidik. V ospredje diplomskega dela je postavljena spletna platforma 9GAG za deljenje zabavne vsebine, kjer na račun humorja pogosto najdemo prisotne elemente diskriminacije, stereotipizacije in zasmehovanja določenih družbenih manjšin. Kljub zagovarjanju multikulturalizma ustvarjalcev portala 9GAG, je za razumevanje konteksta objav še vedno najbolj bistveno poznavanje simbolike zahodne množične kulture. Glavno konceptualno vprašanje dela je vezano na pojmovanje 9GAG-a kot virtualne skupnosti ter konstrukcijo kolektivne zavesti med uporabniki. Teoretični del je podkrepljen s pomočjo kvantitativnega vprašalnika, ki so ga reševali uporabniki portala 9GAG, in analize objav na spletnem portalu. Na ta način ugotavljam, na kakšen način je na portalu ustvarjena kolektivna zavest ter katera so skupna zanimanja uporabnikov. Izpostavljen je tudi problem kulture strinjanja, ki lahko skozi prizmo konformizma vpliva na posameznikovo razumevanje družbenih pojavov.


kolektivna identiteta;virtualna skupnost;spletni mim;9GAG;Identiteta (psihologija);Navidezne skupnosti;Humor;Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [N. Lenček]
UDC: 316.3:316.6(043.2)
COBISS: 35993693 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1028
Downloads: 334
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Identity Building of the 9GAG Portal Users
Secondary abstract: The identity of the individual in modern society is closely tied to daily internet use. This is reflected in increasingly greater individualization and withdrawal from traditional communities. Since the introduction of information communication technologies individuals have the option to join different virtual communities based on their interests which foster primarily the aspect of freedom. The thesis focuses on the example of the 9GAG Portal, a platform for sharing entertainment content, where humour is often expressed through discrimination, stereotyping and mocking of certain social minorities. Its creators assure that the 9GAG Portal is designed to foster multiculturalism, but in order to understand the context of the posts, knowing the symbolism of the western collective culture is still the most crucial part. The main conceptual question of the thesis relates to the concept of 9GAG as a virtual community and to the building of collective awareness among users. The theoretical part is supported by a quantitative questionnaire carried out among the 9GAG Portal users and the analysis of the posts on the portal, which are used to determine how collective awareness is created on the portal and which are the common interests of the users. The issue of conformity is also emphasized as it can affect the individual’s understanding of social phenomena.
Secondary keywords: Identity (Psychology);Virtual communities;Humor;Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 50 str.
ID: 10977117
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