diplomsko delo
Bojan Sladojević (Author), Albina Bobnar (Reviewer), Manca Pajnič (Mentor)


Hiter tempo življenja in izpostavljenost zunanjim ter notranjim dejavnikom vpliva na naše počutje. Slabo fizično zdravje, neurejeni medsebojni odnosi, slabše ekonomsko-socialne razmere in druge stresne situacije so za posameznike lahko veliko psihično breme. Pojavljati se začnejo psihiatrične težave, katere je potrebno zdraviti. Poleg tradicionalne medicine je na tržišču na voljo precej komplementarnih metod zdravljenja. Namen: V diplomskem delu so predstavljene komplementarne metode zdravljenja bolnikov s psihiatričnimi boleznimi. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela. Vključili smo strokovno in znanstveno literaturo iz podatkovnih baz Medline, CINAHL in Cohrane Library ter COBBISS-a. Uporabili smo ključne besede in besedne zveze: komplementarno zdravljenje, psihiatrija, psychiatry, healing methods, complementarity, modern psychology. Izključili smo članke, ki se navezujejo na konvencionalne metode zdravljenja. Rezultati: Predstavimo 6 najpogostejših komplementarnih metod zdravljenja psihiatričnih bolnikov. Med njimi so: akupunktura, aromaterapija, glasba, hipnoza, masaža in zdravljenje s pomočjo živali. V Sloveniji se bolniki s psihiatričnimi boleznimi odločajo za komplementarne metode zdravljenja. Zasledili smo uporabo metod pri vseh najpogostejših psihiatričnih boleznih. Pri anksioznosti in depresiji se največkrat kot učinkovite metode omenjajo metode sproščanja - meditacije, joga, masaža in akupunktura. Enako zasledimo pri bipolarni motnji s kombinacijo uživanja nekaterih vitaminov in antioksidantov. Demenco alternativno zdravijo z aromaterapijo, akupunkturo, uporabljajo se živali idr. Obsesivno kompulzivno motnjo pretežno zdravijo z jogo in aromaterapijo. Zasvojenost in odvisnost se zdravi z jogo, raznimi terapijami ustvarjanja, risanja, meditacijo, akupunkturo in aromaterapijo. Razprava: Komplementarne metode uspešno dopolnjujejo konzervativno zdravljenje. Nekatere enostavnejše (aromaterapija, glasba, živali) so zelo dostopne in se jih ljudje poslužujejo tudi v domačem okolju. Druge (akupunktura, masaža, hipnoza) pa so oblike, ki so praviloma dražje in se jih po naših informacijah in izkušnjah ljudje poslužujejo nekoliko redkeje, praviloma takrat, ko že imajo določene težave ali ko izgubljajo zaupanje v uradno medicino. V Evropski uniji živi velik odstotek ljudi, ki ima psihiatrične težave. Med njimi je veliko takih, ki se odločijo za nefarmakološko zdravljenje bolezni. Zaključek: Med strokovnjaki komplementarnega in tradicionalnega zdravljenja je še vedno razkorak. Ugotovili pa smo tudi, da primanjkuje raziskav o učinkovitosti posamezne komplementarne metode.


diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;psihiatrično obolenje;aromaterapija;akupunktura;glasba;masaža;zdravljenje s pomočjo živali;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [B. Sladojević]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 5511275 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2486
Downloads: 386
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Complementary methods of treatment of patients with psychiatric diseases
Secondary abstract: Rapid pace of life and exposure to external and internal factors both affect our well-being. Poor physical health, disordered personal relationships, bad socioeconomic status and other stressful situations can turn out to be a great psychological burden. They can result in psychiatric problems that need to be treated. In addition to conventional medicine, a number of complementary therapy methods are available - they are described in this thesis. Purpose: Complementary forms of therapy for psychiatric patients are presented in this thesis. Methods: We used a descriptive approach, examining the domestic and foreign literature available and analyzing it. Professional and scientific literature was included: articles, original scientific papers and collections of papers from conferences and symposiums. We searched for literature online in various databases such including Medline, CINAHL and Cohrane Library, and also COBBISS. Full text literature was used for this review. It was collected between April and July 2018. The following key words and phrases were used: complementary treatment, psychiatry, healing methods, complementarity, modern psychology, physiotherapy with pets. The articles relating to conventional treatment methods were excluded. Results: 6 most common complementary methods for treating psychiatric patients are presented, including: acupuncture, aromatherapy, music, hypnosis, massage and animal-assisted therapy. Discussion and conclusion: Complementary methods have been used in psychiatry for quite some time both at home and abroad. We have noticed the use of methods in all the most common psychiatric disorders. For anxiety and depression, relaxation methods - meditation, yoga, massage and acupuncture - are often mentioned as being effective. Bipolar disorder can be treated similarly, combined with the use of certain vitamins and antioxidants. Dementia can alternatively be treated with aromatherapy, acupuncture, various animal-assisted therapies and homeopathy. Obsessive compulsive disorder is mostly treated with yoga and aromatherapy. Addiction and dependence are managed by yoga, various creativity therapies, drawing, meditation, acupuncture and aromatherapy. All of these and other alternative methods and widely used, but there is still a gap between the conventional and complementary therapies. We also discovered that there is a lack of research on the effectiveness of each complementary method.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;nursing care;psychiatric illness;aromatherapy;acupuncture;music;massage;animal-assisted therapy;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 24 str.
ID: 10977124