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Jelena Juretić (Author), Andreja Čanžek Majhenič (Reviewer), Tanja Pajk Žontar (Mentor), Janez Salobir (Co-mentor)


Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kakšen je vpliv študija na spremembe prehranskih navad (PN), vnos živil in telesno dejavnost pri študentih Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. Sestavili smo vprašalnik iz dveh delov; v prvem smo študente vprašali o njihovih prehranskih navadah, pogostosti uživanja 24 "markerskih" živil pred začetkom študija in po njem, pogostosti uživanja posameznih obrokov in načinu priprave hrane. V drugem delu vprašalnika smo študente vprašali glede njihovih gibalnih navad pred začetkom študija in po njem. Anketo je do konca izpolnilo 230 študentov prve in druge bolonjske stopnje s 14 študijskih smeri Biotehniške fakultete. Rezultati so pokazali, da so se PN spremenile pri večini anketiranih študentov (73,9 %), ne glede na to, ali so s pričetkom študija spremenili kraj bivanja ali ne. Rezultati so pokazali, da po začetku študija študentje uživajo manj sadja in zelenjave, kot so jih v času srednješolskega izobraževanja. Večkrat na dan uživa sveže sadje 28,3 % anketiranih študentov, svežo zelenjavo pa le 15,7 % študentov. V študentskih menzah se nikoli ne prehranjuje 37,0 % študentov, 30,9 % študentov pa si več kot 5-krat na teden hrano pripravi doma. Zadostno (140–310 minut/teden) se telesno udejstvuje 28,7 % študentov, kar je manj kot pred pričetkom študija (31,7 %).


prehrana;prehrana študentov;prehranske navade;življenjski slog;smernice prehranjevanja;telesna dejavnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [J. Juretić]
UDC: 613.2-057.87:641.1:378
COBISS: 4965752 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1992
Downloads: 531
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂinfluence of study on changes in diet and physical activities of students at University of Ljubljana Biotechnical Faculty
Secondary abstract: The aim of this research was to determine the influence of study on changes in dietary habits, intake of food and physical activity among students at the Biotechnical faculty of University of Ljubljana. We compiled a two-part questionnaire. In first part we asked the students about their dietary habits, the frequency of consuming the 24 "marker" foods before and after the start of the study, the frequency of meals and the method of preparing food. In the second part of the questionnaire we asked the students about their physical activity before and after the start of the study. The questionnaire was completed by 230 students of 1st and 2nd degree of Bologna system from 14 fields of study at the Biotechnical Faculty. The results showed, that dietary habits changed in most of the respondents (73.9 %), regardless of whether they changed the permanent residence at the beginning of the study. The results showed, that after the start of the study, students consume less fruits and vegetables. 28.3 % of students consume fresh fruits and only 15.7 % of students consume fresh vegetables several times per day. 37 % of students never eat in student cafeteria and 30.9 % of students prepare home cooked meals 5 times a week. 28.7 % of students were sufficiently physicaly active (140-310 min/week) when they started university, which is less than before the beginning of the study (31.7 %).
Secondary keywords: nutrition;students nutrition;eating habits;lifestyle;nutritional guidelines;physical activity;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za živilstvo
Pages: XIII, 60 f., [54] f. pril.
ID: 10977282