magistrsko delo


V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali travmatično žalovanje in njegovo povezanost s stopnjo stresa, s stopnjo zdravja primarne družine ter načinom izgube in odnosom s pokojno osebo. V prvem delu magistrskega dela poglobljeno razložimo pojem »travmatično žalovanje«. V teoretičnem delu tako razčlenimo besedilo o procesu žalovanja in vrstah pomoči, ki so nam na voljo ter poudarimo pomembnost preventive na tem področju. Ob tem pregledamo vlogo duhovnosti, družbe in najpomembneje, vlogo relacijskega terapevta v terapevtskem procesu v primeru travmatičnega žalovanja. Predstavili smo razlikovanje med travmatičnim žalovanjem ter ostalimi duševnimi motnjami, opredeljenimi v DSM-V. Pobliže si ogledamo doživljanje stresa v primeru travmatičnega žalovanja in njuno prepletenost ter pomen zdravja v primarni družini. Ob zaključku teoretičnega dela opozorimo na travmatičen način izgube bližnje osebe ter na odnos, ki ga je pred izgubo imel žalujoči s pokojno osebo. V raziskovalnem delu smo preverjali štiri hipoteze. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 34 moških (25,8%) in 98 žensk (74,2%). Rezultati so pokazili, da travmatično žalovanje ni statistično pomembno povezano z zdravjem primarne družine, je pa statistično pomembno povezano s stopnjo doživljanja stresa. Rezultati so pokazali, da bolj, kot je žalovanje travmatično, večjo stopnjo stresa doživlja posameznik. Nadalje je iz rezultatov razvidno, da med skupinama tistih, ki so izgubili otroka in tistih, ki so izgubili starša, ne obstaja statistično pomembno razlika, obstaja pa med skupinama, ki so izgubile bližnjo osebo na različne načine. Rezultati so pokazali, da osebe, ki so izgubili bližnjo osebo nenadne smrti, žalujejo bolj travmatično v primerjavi z osebami, ki so izgubile osebo pričakovane smrti.


travmatično žalovanje;žalovanje;družina;stres;travma;PTSM;izguba otroka;izguba starša;travmatična izguba;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL TEOF - Theological Faculty
Publisher: [J. Rački]
UDC: 159.942.3:616-001(043.2)
COBISS: 7982938 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1134
Downloads: 592
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Traumatic grief
Secondary abstract: The author in this thesis investigates traumatic grieving and its connection with the level of stress, the level of health of primary families and with the nature of loss and with the relationship with the deceased person. In the first part, the theoretical part, the term "traumatic mourning" is thoroughly explained. Through the theoretical part, she breaks down the grieving process and in shows what kind of help is available and talks about preventive measures in the area of grieving process. In this light, she examines the role of spirituality, society and most important, the role of a relational family therapists in the therapeutic process in case of traumatic mourning. The author presents a distinction between traumatic grief and other mental disorders defined in DSM-V. She looks closely stress in case of traumatic mourning and their intertwining and the importance of health in the primary family. In the conclusion of the theoretical part, the author warns about traumatic ways of loss and the type of relationship that a grieving person had with the deceased before the loss. In the empirical part the author examined four hypotheses. The survey involved 34 men (25.8%) in 98 women (74.2%). The results showed no statistically significant correlations of traumatic mourning to the health of the primary family, but it is statistically significantly correlated to the degree of stress experienced. The results show that the higher the score of traumatic grieving, the higher the level of stress is experienced by the individual. Furthermore, it can be seen from the results that there are no statistically significant differences between groups of those who have lost a child in those who have lost their parents, but there is a difference between groups who have lost loved ones in different ways. Results show, that the level of traumatic grieving is higher with those, who have lost someone in an unpredicted way, in comparison with those who were expecting loss.
Secondary keywords: traumatic grief;complicated grief;prolonged grief;bereavement;grief;family;stress;trauma;PTSD;loss of a child;loss of a parent;traumatic loss;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Teološka fak.
Pages: XI, 96, [III] str.
ID: 10977644