pomen dóma v starosti
Karina Sirk (Author), Marjan Hočevar (Mentor)


Paradigma staranja v domačem bivalnem okolju predstavlja na eni strani politike, ki stremijo k staranju v domačem bivalnem okolju namesto institucionalizacije in slonijo na zvišani družbeni participaciji, ter vsesplošni dobrobiti starejših, na drugi strani termin pomeni raziskovalno osnovo za preučevanje povezave med starejšimi in njihovim fizičnim in družbenim okoljem, ter posledicami, ki jih ima bivanje doma na vsesplošno počutje. Življenje starejših je za večino osrediščeno okoli njihovega bivalnega prostora, ki ga imenujemo dom, zato je še posebej pomembno, kako ga doživljajo in kakšen pomen ima zanje. Nalogo konceptualno zastavlja pregled teorij in paradigem o starosti in staranju ter teorij o pomenu dóma ter pomenu dóma v starosti. V empiričnem delu z uporabo kvalitativne tehnike globinskega intervjuja med nekaj slovenskimi starejšimi preverim, kako sami doživljajo dom in kaj jim pomeni ter kakšen odnos imajo do svojega bivalnega okolja. Rezultati intervjujev nakazujejo na izredno navezanost na dom ter mnoge pomene, ki jih ima ta za starejše. V luči staranja v domačem bivalnem okolju ima pomen dóma vsekakor izredno vrednost, saj je osnova paradigme odnos med posameznikom in njegovim/njenim bivalnim okoljem. Teoretski prispevki in raziskave, kot tudi rezultati opravljenih intervjujev, kažejo na to, da je tema zelo kompleksna in sega preko sociologije tudi na druga področja. Magistrska naloga je poskus pregleda osnov, ki gradijo koncept in služijo za njegovo širše razumevanje, ter oris odnosa in pomena dóma devetih intervjuvancev.


Staranje;Starostniki;Bivalno okolje;Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [K. Sirk]
UDC: 316.346.32-053.9(043.3)
COBISS: 35956317 Link will open in a new window
Views: 904
Downloads: 287
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Ageing in place: the meaning of home in old age
Secondary abstract: The paradigm of aging in place represents, on the one hand, policies that strive for aging in a home environment instead of institutionalization and are based on an increased social participation and overall wellbeing of the elderly. On the other hand, the term means a research basis for studying the connection between the old and their physical and social environment, and the consequences that ageing at home has for their general well-being. The life of the elderly is for most centered around their living space, which we call home, and it is therefore particularly important how they experience it and what it means to them. The thesis conceptually sets out an overview of theories and paradigms of age and aging, theories about the importance of home and the meaning of home in old age. In the empirical part of the thesis I use a qualitative technique of a deep interview among 9 Slovenian elders to try to see how they experience home and what it means to them. The results of the interviews and the theory indicate an extraordinary attachment to the home and many of the meanings that it has for the elderly. In the light of aging in place, the importance of home is definitely of utmost importance since the basis of the paradigm is the relationship between the individual and his/her living environment. Theoretical contributions and research, as well as the results of the interviews conducted, suggest that the topic is very complex, and that it goes beyond the field of sociology. The thesis is an attempt to review the basics that build the concept and serve for its broader understanding, and an outline of the relationship between the interviewees, their home and its meaning.
Secondary keywords: Aging;Older people;Dwelling environment;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 83 str.
ID: 10978567