diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Informacijska varnost
Mateja Napret (Author), Miroslav Žaberl (Mentor)


Rokovanja z orožjem se poslužuje vse več posameznikov. Nekateri se, v kolikor imajo željo po športnem strelstvu (zračne puške, pištole, streljanje na glinaste golobe, MK (malokalibrsko orožje) itn.), vključijo v različna strelska društva, spet drugi se vpišejo na tečaje streljanja. Policisti pa so s strelnim orožjem v stiku vsak dan. Policisti takrat, ko uporabijo najhujšo obliko med prisilnimi sredstvi - strelno orožje, posežejo v pravico do življenja drugih oseb, zato morajo biti za rokovanje z orožjem ustrezno usposobljeni. V diplomski nalogi bomo zato analizirali program usposabljanja za uporabo strelnega orožja in podali morebitne predloge za izboljšavo le-tega. V diplomski nalogi bodo predstavljene tudi podobnosti in razlike med Slovenijo in ZDA, povezane z omenjeno tematiko, torej z usposabljanjem za uporabo strelnega orožja. Splošno znano je, da ZDA v policijo vlaga veliko večje vsote, kot Slovenija, zato bomo tudi na podlagi analize programa posamezne države lahko poiskali morebitne prednosti/slabosti programov in izluščili najboljše lastnosti na podlagi katerih, bi lahko podali predloge za izboljšavo oz. dopolnitev programa v Sloveniji. Slovenski policisti se redko znajdejo v situacijah, ko morajo na terenu uporabiti strelno orožje. Po eni strani je to dober znak, saj s tem dokazujejo, da je Slovenija država, z nižjim številom kaznivih dejanj, kjer bi bila potrebna uporaba strelnega orožja kot prisilnega sredstva. Po drugi strani pa imajo zaradi redke uporabe strelnega orožja kot prisilnega sredstva manj izkušenj. Občutki policistov ob streljanju na simulatorju v času usposabljanja nikakor ne morejo biti enaki tistim, ki jih doživljajo na terenu, zato se pojavlja vprašanje ali bi se vsak policist v realni situaciji, kjer bi moral uporabiti strelno orožje, dobro znašel. V ta namen, je potrebno program usposabljanja za uporabo strelnega orožja, dodatno dopolniti tudi v psihološki smeri, kar bi izboljšalo psihološko stabilnost policistov, v realnih situacijah.


diplomske naloge;policija;orožje;usposabljanje;varnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [M. Napret]
UDC: 351.74(043.2)
COBISS: 3618026 Link will open in a new window
Views: 630
Downloads: 152
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Training police officers for the use of firearms
Secondary abstract: Handle weapons are used by an increasing number of individuals. Some, in so far as they have a desire for sports shooting (air guns, pistols, shooting of clay pigeons, MK (small caliber weapons), etc.), are involved in various shooting societies, others are enrolled in shooting courses, while police officers are using firearms every day. Police officers, when using the worst form of coercive means - firearms, interferes with the right to life of others, so they must be properly trained in the handling of weapons. In the diploma, we will analyze the training program for the use of firearms and present any suggestions for its improvement. The dissertation will also present similarities and differences between Slovenia and the USA, related to the mentioned topic - training for the use of firearms. It is generally known that the USA invests much larger amounts in the police than Slovenia, which is why we will also be able to find potential advantages / disadvantages of the programs of each country, and outline the best qualities in order to make suggestions for improvement the program in Slovenia. Slovenian police officers rarely find themselves in situations when they have to use firearms on the ground. On the one hand, this is a good sign - this proves that Slovenia is a country with a lower number of criminal offenses, which would require the use of firearms as a compulsory asset. On the other hand, due to the rare use of firearms as a means of compromising, they have less experience. The feelings of police officers during the courses on a simulator can not be equal to those who experience them on the ground, so the question arises, whether any police officer in a real situation (where the use of firearms is necessarily), will be well prepared. The training program for the use of firearms, should be supplemented additionally in the psychological direction, which would improve the psychological stability of police officers in real situations.
Secondary keywords: police;firearms;training;safety;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: VI, 39 str.
ID: 10978724
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