magistrsko delo
Žana Omahen Prinčič (Author), Vlado Miheljak (Mentor), Andrej Kohont (Co-mentor)


V današnjem času je poslovni svet zelo hiter, dinamičen in spremenljiv iz dneva v dan. Sam način poslovanja močno vpliva na način kako organizacije opravljajo svoje delo, postavljajo svoje strukture in kako delujejo zaposleni znotraj njih. Prav zaradi novega načina delovanja je človek, oziroma zaposleni, postal kapitalsko najpomembnejši del podjetja, saj prav zadovoljni in motivirani zaposleni predstavljajo največjo konkurenčno prednost podjetij. Moderni management se zato veliko časa ukvarja s človeškimi potenciali z namenom dosega zastavljenih ciljev. Sodobni management ima danes na voljo veliko različnih vsebin, preko katerih lahko pridobi določene smernice, ki ga bodo vodile pri vzpostavljanju kakovostnega sistema motivacije in zadovoljstva v podjetju. Vendar pa je pri vzpostavitvi takega sistema potrebno dobro poznavanje svojih zaposlenih, saj je potrebno izvedeti kaj motivira katerega zaposlenega. Sam raziskovalni del naloge vsebuje analizo podatkov, ki sem jih pridobila od podjetja d.o.o. preko ankete za zadovoljstvo na delovnem mestu. Cilj pa je ugotovitev, ali so zaposleni zadovoljni s svojim delom


sodobni management;človeški viri;Zaposleni;Zadovoljstvo na delovnem mestu;Motivacija;Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [Ž. Omahen Prinčič]
UDC: 005.32:331.101.32(043.3)
COBISS: 35959645 Link will open in a new window
Views: 752
Downloads: 308
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Motivation of employees as a factor of satisfaction at work
Secondary abstract: In today’s day of age, the business world is very fast, dynamic and changeable from day to day. This way of doing business has a very strong impact on the way the organizations are performing their work, setting their structures and on the way, the employees are functioning inside them. These modern circumstances made the person the most important part of the company, because the satisfied and motivated employees make the best competitive advantage for a company. Therefore, the modern management spends a lot of time on human potentials with the purpose to achieve their goals. Today, the modern management has a lot of different content at their disposal, through which they can get all the knowledge to create a quality motivation system in the company. However, it is crucial to know your employees before taking on this task, since different things motivate different people. The research part of the thesis contains data analysis, that I received from the company Orbico d.o.o. The information was gathered through the survey, which was carried out inside the company to determine the satisfaction of their employees.
Secondary keywords: Employees;Job satisfaction;Motivation;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 56 str.
ID: 10978732