magistrsko delo Organizacija in management informacijskih sistemov
Aljoša Sekulič (Author), Uroš Rajkovič (Mentor)


Manjša podjetja pogosto nimajo veliko interesa, časa ali sredstev za vlaganje v svojo informacijsko tehnologijo. Podjetje MAG letalstvo, d. o. o., nima ustreznega programa za spremljanje in vodenje materialnih zalog. Trenutno zaloge vodijo v programu Microsoft Excel, saj na trgu ni primerne programske opreme, ki bi jim ustrezala. Potrebujejo preprost program z osnovnimi funkcionalnostmi, ki jih finančno ne bi preveč obremenil. Cilj magistrskega dela je bil razviti lasten program za materialno poslovanje, ki bi ustrezal zahtevam proučevanega podjetja. Na osnovi teoretičnega znanja, pridobljenega iz baz podatkov in materialnega poslovanja, ter raziskave problemskega stanja v podjetju smo s pomočjo programa Microsoft Access razvili prototipno rešitev. Predstavili smo jo vodstvu in se pogovorili o možnostih za njeno vpeljavo. Določili smo testno obdobje, ki bo prineslo povratne informacije uporabnika. Do konca leta bomo odpravili še morebitne napake in pomanjkljivosti, s čimer bo program pripravljen za uporabo z začetkom novega leta. Namen magistrske naloge ni bil le izpostaviti probleme podjetja, temveč tudi predstaviti naš novi sistem kot funkcionalno orodje za pomoč podjetjem, ki so se srečala s podobnimi težavami.


atribut;entiteta;materialno poslovanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [A. Sekulič]
UDC: 004.42
COBISS: 8074259 Link will open in a new window
Views: 677
Downloads: 122
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Functional specifications for material management in the production and servicing of aircrafts
Secondary abstract: Smaller companies often do not have much interest, time or resources to invest into their information technology. MAG letalstvo Ltd. does not have a suitable software to monitor and manage their material stocks. Due to the lack of software that is suitable to the company, they currently manage their stocks in Microsoft Excel. The company needs a simple software with basic functionality that will not be too expensive. The objective of the master's thesis is to develop material management software that meets the requirements of the company. Based on the theoretical knowledge obtained from databases and material management, as well as research of the problem situation in the company, we developed a prototype solution using Microsoft Access. We presented the prototype to the management and discussed the possibilities for implementing it into the company. We have set a test period that will bring us feedback from the user. By the end of the year, we will eliminate possible errors and bugs, which will make the program ready for use with the beginning of the New Year. The purpose of the master's thesis was not only to expose problems of the company, but also to present our new system as a functional tool to help companies that encountered similar problems.
Secondary keywords: attribute;entity;material management;database;Microsoft Access;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijo dela
Pages: 50 f.
ID: 10978860
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