doktorska disertacija


Glavni namen doktorske disertacije je bil prikazati značilnosti izobraževalnih in športnih sistemov na Norveškem, v Italiji in Sloveniji, ugotoviti, koliko motivacije imajo športniki za usklajevanje izobraževanja in športa, ter opozoriti na težave, ki jih imajo vrhunski nordijski športniki z dvojno kariero, in na podlagi tega oblikovati model za izobraževanje vrhunskih nordijskih športnikov na sekundarni in terciarni ravni v Sloveniji. Države članice Evropske unije imajo različne pristope do akademskega izobraževanja vrhunskih športnikov. Vse tri obravnavane države lahko štejemo med države, kjer vlada ni sprejela zakona, ki bi univerzam zapovedoval prilagoditve izobraževalnega sistema vrhunskim športnikom. Da bi preverili omenjene trditve, smo na vzorcu 174 vrhunskih nordijskih športnikov proučevali različne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na uspešnost usklajevanja dvojne kariere vrhunskih športnikov.   Vprašalnik SAMSAQ – EU smo uporabili za ugotavljanje motivacije športnikov za izobraževanje, šport in dvojno kariero, raziskali smo tudi socialno-demografske značilnosti, pogoje za treninge in tekmovanja ter športno identiteto vrhunskih nordijskih športnikov. Poleg kvantitativnega dela raziskave smo s športniki opravili tudi 18 polstrukturiranih intervjujev, da bi pridobili dodatne informacije o značilnostih njihovega usklajevanja dvojne kariere, njihovih osebnostnih lastnostih in o njihovem razmišljanju o življenju po končani športni karieri. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da športni sistemi v Sloveniji in Italiji, ne pa tudi na Norveškem, omogočajo zgodnje selekcioniranje, kar ne vpliva dobro na otrokov razvoj in pozitiven odnos do športa. Pri usklajevanju akademskih in športnih obveznostih so imeli največ težav italijanski in slovenski športniki (p = 0,000), saj predvsem čas, ki ga namenjajo treningu, močno omejuje njihov čas in energijo za izpolnjevanje študijskih obveznosti. Večjo motivacijo za študij smo v primerjavi z italijanskimi ugotovili pri norveških (p = 0,004) in slovenskih športnikih (p = 0,001), glede na športno panogo nismo ugotovili razlik, ženske pa so bolj motivirane za izobraževanje kot moški (p = 0,007). Športniki so visoko motivirani za doseganje rezultatov, večina njihovih ciljev je povezana s športom, glede na ugotovitve pa so vrhunski nordijski športniki zelo osredotočeni na šport (M = 4,02, SD = 0,78) in pogosto dajejo prednost športni karieri. Športniki so poudarili tudi, da jih količina dela, ki ga zahteva študij, ovira pri doseganju športnih ciljev. Med športniki iz obravnavanih držav nismo ugotovili statistično značilnih razlik v motivaciji za dvojno kariero, moški pa so bolj motivirani za dvojno kariero kot ženske. Ugotovimo lahko, da so vrhunski športniki visoko motivirani za šport in da za uspešno usklajevanje akademskih in športnih obveznostih nujno potrebujejo določene prilagoditve izobraževalnih institucij, saj se v nasprotnem primeru odločajo za opustitev študija in se (tudi zaradi omejenega časa športne kariere) večinoma raje popolnoma posvetijo športni karieri.


vrhunski šport;športna kariera;dvojna kariera;značilnosti;šolske obveznosti;vzgoja in izobraževanje;motivacija športnikov;nordijski športniki;nordijsko smučanje;tekmovalni sistem;nordijske discipline;Norveška;Italija;Slovenija;SAMSAQ-EU;disertacije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [R. Kerštajn]
UDC: 796.922/.925.034.6(043.3)
COBISS: 5415857 Link will open in a new window
Views: 893
Downloads: 566
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Sports career and education of top nordic athletes
Secondary abstract: The main purpose of this doctoral thesis was to establish characteristics of educational and sport systems in Norway, Italy and Slovenia, athletes’ motivation for coordinating education, sport and the related difficulties that elite Nordic athletes face during their dual careers, and to create an educational model for elite Nordic athletes in secondary and tertiary education in Slovenia. European Union member states use different approaches to the academic education of their elite athletes. The three examined countries can be considered as countries without state laws that would require universities to regulate or adapt their educational systems to the elite athletes attending them. To test the above statements, a sample of 174 elite Nordic athletes was used to study several factors that influence the effective coordination of elite athletes’ dual careers. The SAMSAQ – EU questionnaire was used to establish the motivation of athletes for education, sport and dual career. Further, we studied the socio-demographic characteristics of elite Nordic athletes, conditions regarding their trainings and competitions, and their sport identity. Besides quantitative research, we conducted 18 half-structured interviews with athletes in order to collect additional information on how they managed their dual careers, their personal characteristics and how they see themselves upon finishing their sport careers. The results show that unlike in Norway, the sport systems in Slovenia and Italy enable early selection, which does not have positive impacts on a child’s development and his or her positive attitude towards sport. When coordinating academic and sport obligations, Italian and Slovenian athletes experienced the highest number of problems (p = 0.000). The reason was mainly that the time dedicated to their training largely limits their time and energy to fulfil their educational obligations. The Norwegian (p = 0.004) and Slovene athletes (p = 0.001) had higher motivation compared to the Italian athletes; there were no differences regarding sport disciplines; and women are more motivated for education than men (p = 0.007). Athletes have high motivation for achieving sport results and the majority of their goals relates to the sport. According to our findings, elite Nordic athletes are heavily focused on sport (M = 4.02, SD = 0.78) and often give priority to their sport careers. The athletes underlined that the work volume required for the study presents an obstacle to achieving their sport related goals. We did not determine statistically significant differences as regards motivation for dual career between the athletes from the concerned countries; however, we noted that men have higher motivation for dual career than women do. We can establish that elite athletes have high motivation for sport. Moreover, efficient coordination of academic and sport obligations requires certain adaptations from educational institutions, otherwise athletes decide to drop out of educational system and fully concentrate on their sports careers (among others due to the limited duration of the sport career).
Secondary keywords: sport;Nordic athletes;education;motivation;sport career;dual career;SAMSAQ-EU;competition systems;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
Pages: 208 f.
ID: 10979503