diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Informacijska varnost
Svet je dandanes postal povsem odvisen od dostopa in izmenjavanja informacij preko interneta, v zadnjih letih pa so se mu še pridružile še druge oblike komuniciranja, ki združujejo prebivalce v globalnem kibernetskem prostoru. S tem, ko se je internet razširil, so nastale kibernetske grožnje in več spletnega kriminala. V diplomskem delu se ukvarjamo s kibernetskim nadlegovanjem otrok v pomurski regiji. Raziskava, ki smo jo izvajali na treh različnih osnovnih šolah v Pomurju, je pokazala, da otroci zelo zgodaj vstopajo v kibernetski prostor, računalnik namreč v velikem deležu uporabljajo že v starosti med 5 in 7 let. Skoraj vsak osnovnošolec ima tudi svoj mobilni telefon, preko katerega najpogosteje tudi dostopajo do interneta. Večina jih na internetu preživi 1 do 2 uri na dan. Več kot polovici otrok pa starši ne omejujejo časa, preživetega na internetu oz. s pametnimi napravami. Raziskava je pokazala tudi, da se večina otrok sicer ni srečala z takšno vrsto neželene pošte, da bi se ob tem ustrašila za svojo varnost, a vendar tudi rezultat tistih, ki so se s to neprijetno izkušnjo že srečali, ni zanemarljiv. Ravno tako smo postavili v obzir dejstvo, da ni nujno, da otroci vedo oz. se zavedajo, da so bili žrtev kibernetskega nasilja. Otroci, ki se jih ne osvešča dovolj na tem področju, morda niti ne zaznajo nevarnosti ali pa se jim zdi nekaj samoumevnega in povsem običajnega. Bistvenega pomena je torej, da se prioritetno starši kot tudi šola kot vzgojna ustanova v večji meri vključujejo v osveščanje in tudi nadzor nad otroki v času rabe kibernetskega prostora. Otroci so namreč najšibkejši člen naše družbe, ki še ne znajo in niso sposobni v popolni meri skrbeti za svojo varnost. Pri tem je ključnega pomena, da vedo, da se nevarnosti v kibernetskem prostoru sicer ni moč popolnoma izogniti, vendar naj vedo, da se v situaciji lahko in tudi morajo takoj obrniti na odraslo osebo, starše ali učitelje. V težavah pa se lahko obrnejo tudi na pristojne organizacije.
diplomske naloge;kibernetski prostor;kibernetsko nadlegovanje otrok;kibernetsko nasilje;Pomurje;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2018 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice |
Publisher: |
[M. Škafar] |
UDC: |
343.3/.7:004(043.2) |
Views: |
672 |
Downloads: |
114 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Children who are victims of cyberbullying in Pomurje |
Secondary abstract: |
The world has now become completely dependent on access to and exchange of information over the Internet, and in recent years, other forms of communication have been added to it, bringing together people in the global cyber space. As the Internet expanded, cyber threats and more online crime emerged. In the diploma thesis, we deal with cyber-harassment of children in the Pomurje region. The research, which was carried out in three different elementary schools in Pomurje, showed that children enter the cyberspace very early, and use computers for a large part of their age from 5 to 7 years old. Almost every elementary school student also has his own mobile phone, through which he most often also accesses the Internet. Most of them spend 1 to 2 hours a day on the Internet. More than half of children do not limit their time spent on the Internet or their parents. for smart devices. The survey also showed that most children did not encounter such a type of spam in order to be scared for their safety, but also the result of those who have already encountered this unpleasant experience is not negligible. We also took into account the fact that children do not have to know or not. are aware that they have been the victims of cyber violence. Children who are not sufficiently refreshed in this area may not even be aware of the danger, or they may find it self-evident and completely normal. It is therefore essential that parents as well as the school as an educational institution are more involved in raising awareness and also controlling children during the use of the cyber space. Children are the weakest member of our society, who do not yet know and are not able to fully care for their safety. In this regard, it is crucial that they know that the dangers in the cyber space cannot be completely avoided, but they should know that in the situation they can and should immediately contact an adult, either a parent or a teacher. But in difficulty, they can also contact the competent organizations. |
Secondary keywords: |
cybernetic space;cyberbullying;cyberbullying of children;Pomurje; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana |
Pages: |
VI, [48] str. |
ID: |
10979993 |