magistrsko delo
Maja Majerič (Author), Davorin Gazvoda (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava možnosti sanacije onesnaženih tal s težkimi kovinami, predvsem s cinkom, kadmijem in svincem na onesnaženih javnih zelenih površinah v Celju. Onesnažena tla močno vplivajo na kakovost prostora, saj zmanjšujejo rastlinsko pestrost ter negativno vplivajo na stanje okolja in zdravje ljudi ter živali. Obstaja več metod, s katerimi lahko iz tal odstranimo težke kovine; mednje spadajo fizikalno-kemijski postopki, toplotni postopki ter biološki postopki. Med okolju bolj prijazne, cenejše ter vizualno bolj privlačne spada fitoremediacija; to je metoda, ki za čiščenje tal uporablja rastline, ki akumulirajo onesnaževalce iz prsti. Z uporabo fitoremediacijskih ukrepov lahko izboljšamo kakovost tal in javnih zelenih površin ter tako prispevamo k boljšemu stanju mestnega okolja in zdravju prebivalcev. V magistrskem delu so predlagane rastline, ki jih lahko uporabimo za čiščenje onesnaženih javnih zelenih površin v Celju. Predlagane so tudi smernice za uporabo ukrepa zamenjave prsti in fitoremediacijskih ukrepov za čiščenje onesnaženih prsti, ki se jih lahko poslužujejo odgovorne službe za prostorsko načrtovanje v Celju ter drugod.


krajinska arhitektura;fitoremediacija;onesnažena tla;težke kovine;Celje;fitoremediacijske rastline;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [M. Majerič]
UDC: 712.25:504.5:502.13(497.4Celje)(043.2)
COBISS: 9106297 Link will open in a new window
Views: 867
Downloads: 445
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Remediation of city Celje's public green spaces with focus on phytoremediational measures
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis deals with possibilities of remediation of contaminated soils with heavy metals, especially zinc, cadmium and lead on contaminated public green spaces in Celje. Polluted soils have a significant impact on the quality of the area, reducing plant diversity and adversely affecting the state of the environment and the health of people and animals. There are several methods for removing heavy metals from the ground; these include physico-chemical processes, thermic processes and biological processes. Among the more environmentally friendly, cheaper and visually more attractive measures is phytoremediation; this is a method that uses plants that accumulate contaminants from the soil to clean the soil. By using phytoremediational measures, we can improve quality of the soil and public green spaces, thus contributing to a better status of the urban environment and health of the population. In the master's theses are proposed plants that can be used for cleaning contaminated public green areas in Celje. It also proposes guidelines for the use of a soil substitution measure and phytoremediational measures for the cleaning of contaminated soil, which can be used by the responsible spatial planning services in Celje and elsewhere.
Secondary keywords: landscape architecture;phytoremediation;contaminated soils;heavy metals;phytoremediational plants;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za krajinsko arhitekturo
Pages: XI, 90 f., [8] f. zganj. pril.
ID: 10979998