magistrsko delo
Urban Kralj (Author), Sebastjan Bratina (Mentor), Matjaž Dolšek (Thesis defence commission member), Goran Turk (Thesis defence commission member), Drago Saje (Co-mentor)


V magistrski nalogi se ukvarjamo z analizo nastanka in širjenja razpok pri armiranobetonskem elementu, ki je izpostavljen delovanju kratkotrajne natezne obremenitve. V ta namen smo zasnovali in izdelali tri preizkušance pravokotnega prečnega prereza 10,8/7,2 cm in dolžine 80 cm, pri čemer smo pri enem vzdolžno armaturo vodili neprekinjeno, pri drugih dveh pa smo izvedli stikovanje armature s prekrivanjem na različnih dolžinah. V vse preizkušance smo dodatno vgradili tudi stremensko armaturo z namenom preprečitve pojava razcepljanja betonskega ovoja. Po izvedbi nateznih preizkusov smo z numeričnim modelom, ki je bil razvit v okviru raziskovalnega dela na katedrah KMLK in KM, za obravnavane elemente simulirali pojavljanje razpok in rezultate primerjali z eksperimentalnimi opažanji. Ugotovili smo, da lahko z uporabljenim numeričnim modelom dovolj natančno simuliramo nastajanje in širjenje prečnih razpok, ne moremo pa simulirati pojava cepilnih razpok in njihovega vpliva na natezno nosilnost elementa. Lahko jih upoštevamo posredno, in sicer z ustreznim konstitucijskim zakonom stika med armaturo in betonskim ovojem na območju preklopa. Dodatno smo ugotovili, da lahko z vgrajenimi stremeni preprečimo ali vsaj omilimo pojav razcepljanja betonskega ovoja v območju preklopa vzdolžne armature.


gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;armiranobetonski element;razpokanost;širjenje razpok;natezno obremenjevanje;stikovajne s prekrivanjem;stremenska armatura;numerični model;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [U. Kralj]
UDC: 624.012.45(043.3)
COBISS: 8593761 Link will open in a new window
Views: 805
Downloads: 288
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Crack appearance and propagation along tensile loaded reinforced concrete element
Secondary abstract: In this master's thesis we deal with the analysis of the formation and propagation of cracks in a reinforced concrete element that is exposed to the short-term tensile load. For this purpose, we made and tested three reinforced concrete elements with rectangular cross-section of 10,8/7,2 cm and length of 80 cm. In one element longitudinal reinforcement was continuously guided, while in the other two we carried out the lap splice at different lengths. In all specimens, we also installed stirrups in order to prevent the appearance of splitting of the concrete cover. After tensile tests were carried out, a numerical model, developed in research work at the KMLK and KM, was used for simulating the cracking of the elements and then we compared the results with the experimental observations. We have found that by using the numerical model we can simulate the formation and propagation of transverse cracks sufficiently precisely, but we cannot simulate the appearance of splitting cracks and their effect on the tensile load capacity. They can be taken into account indirectly by appropriate bond stress % slip relationship between the reinforcement and the concrete in the lap splice area. In addition, we have found that with confinement, the splitting of the concrete cover in the lap splice area of the longitudinal reinforcement can be prevented or at least mitigated.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;master thesis;reinforced concrete element;cracking;crack propagation;tensile stress;lap splice;stirrups;numerical model;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XVI, 66 str.
ID: 10980157