diplomsko delo
Tamara Kreže (Author), Tomaž Čas (Mentor)


Policija kot organ izvršilne oblasti v družbi opravlja pomembne naloge, ki imajo represiven in tudi preventiven značaj. Za učinkovito opravljanje zakonitih policijskih nalog mora imeti policija na voljo tudi določena pooblastila ter prisilna sredstva.Prisilna sredstva predstavljajo posebno obliko policijskih pooblastil in so omejena numerus clausus. Taksativno jih našteva zakon. Ker gre pri njihovi uporabi za občutljivo polje posega v človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine, na tem področju veljajo še posebna pravila in načela. Leta 1998 je bil sprejet ZPol, ki je urejal tudi področje uporabe prisilnih sredstev v slovenski policiji, in sicer vse do leta 2013, ko je bil sprejet ZNPPol. Primerjava obeh pravnih ureditev obravnavanega področja je pokazala,da med njima obstojijo nekatere bistvene razlike. Gre predvsem za prenos velikega števila določb iz starega Pravilnika o policijskih pooblastilih v ZNPPol, torej za prenos določb z ravni podzakonskega predpisa na raven zakona. Poleg tega so bile nekatere določbe, ki jih vsebuje veljavna pravna ureditev, tudi dopolnjene in razširjene. Veljavna ureditev obravnavanega področja se je izkazala za primernejšo in je torej z vidika zakonitosti dela policije ter varstva človekovih pravic boljša kot predhodna.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [T. Kreže]
UDC: 351.74:351.74.078.18(043.2)
COBISS: 2053217206 Link will open in a new window
Views: 74
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The police operate within the framework of the national executive powerand perform important tasks with both repressive and preventive character in the society. In order to carry out lawful police tasks effectively, police officers must also have certain powers and instruments of restraint. The latter represents a special form of police powers. They are limited numerus claususand are listed exhaustively by law. Their use causesan intervention inhuman rights and fundamental freedoms. Thus, special rules and principles apply in this area.The old Police act was adopted in 1998. It regulated the area of instruments of restraint inthe Slovenian police until 2013, when we adopted Police tasks and powers act. A comparison of the two legal regimes of the area in question showed some significant differences between them. It's mainly about the transfer of a large number of provisions from the old Ruleson police powers into the Police tasks and powers act, that is, the transfer of provisions from the level of the executive regulation to the level of the law. In addition, some provisions contained in the current legislation have been supplemented and extended. The current legislation ofthe area has proved to be more appropriate, and therefore better than the previous one, considering the lawfulness of police work and the protection of humanrights.
Secondary keywords: Policija;Diplomske naloge;Prisilna sredstva;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: VI, 73 str.
ID: 10980705
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