diplomsko delo
Tomaž Varezič (Author), Arne Mavčič (Mentor)


Korejski polotok je ena izmed regij na svetu, kjer je bilo najdeno orodje in orožje, zato se domneva, da so se prvi hominidi na polotok naselili pred najmanj 300.000 leti. Sledila so obdobja z različnimi režimi. Eno izmed pomembnejših obdobij je bilo t. i. obdobje treh kraljestev - kraljestev Silla, Baekje in Goguryeo. V tem obdobju so kraljestva med sabo tekmovala in se bojevala. Temeljni značilnosti, ki sta bili skupni tem trem kraljestvom, pa sta bili: vsako kraljestvo je imelo svojega monarha in vsa tri kraljestva so poznala hierarhičnost družbenih slojev. Po obdobju treh kraljestev je sledilo obdobje korejskega cesarstva, ki mu je vladal cesar Gojong in ki ni trajalo dolgo, saj je kmalu prišlo do japonske okupacije leta 1910. Po 2. svetovni vojni pa je prišlo do razdelitve Korejskega polotoka na sever in jug ter s tem nastanka dveh držav s popolnoma različnima ustavnima sistemoma. Na severu polotoka se nahaja Demokratična ljudska republika Koreja, ki je v svoji osnovi totalitaristična država, na jugu pa se nahaja Republika Koreja, ki v svoji osnovi nekoliko spominja na sisteme držav, ki se nahajajo na evropski celini.Tako Demokratična ljudska republika Koreja kot tudi Republika Koreja sta vsaka svojo ustavo sprejeli leta 1948, do današnjega časa pa je bilo tudi nekaj sprememb v ustavnih sistemih obeh držav. Ustavni sistem Demokratične ljudske republike Koreje ne pozna načela delitve oblasti, medtem ko pa je v ustavi Republike Koreje isto načelo uveljavljeno in tudi natančno opredeljeno. Ustavni sistem Republike Koreje pozna tudi Ustavno sodišče in ustavno pritožbo, omenjena država pa je tudi članica Beneške komisije.


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Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: EVRO-PF - European Faculty of Law, Nova Gorica
Publisher: [T. Varezič]
UDC: 342.4(519)(043.2)
COBISS: 2053244342 Link will open in a new window
Views: 114
Downloads: 11
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The Korean peninsula isone of the regions where weapons and certain tools were found based on which we can assume that first Hominidae has populated the peninsula 300.000 years ago. This era was followed by periods of different regimes. One of the most important periods was definitely the Three Kingdoms Period - kingdoms of Silla, Baekje, and Goguryeo. During this period, kingdoms were fighting and competing witheach other. The basic similarities that were in commonto these kingdoms were: each kingdom had its own monarch and all three kingdoms knew the hierarchy of the social strata. This period was followed by the period of the Korean Empire which was ruled by the emperor Goyong. Koren Empire did not last long, as Japanese occupation took place in 1910. After the Second World War, the peninsula was divided in two, formating two countries with completely different constitutional systems. One was the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the north, which has a totalitarian regime, and the other was the Republic of Korea in the south, whose system reminds of the constitutional systems of states located on the European continent. Both the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea adopted their own constitution in 1948, and since then there have been some changes in the constitutional systems of both countries. The constitutional system of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea does not know the principle of the division of power, while in the Constitution of the Republic of Korea the same principle is well established and well defined. The constitutional system of the Republic of Korea is familiar with the Constitutional Court and the constitutional complaint. The Republic of Korea is also a member of the Venice Commission.
Secondary keywords: Ustava;Diplomske naloge;Severna Koreja;Južna Koreja;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Evropska pravna fak.
Source comment: Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Pages: V, 49 str.
ID: 10980713