magistrsko delo Management v zdravstvu in socialnem varstvu
Nedisa Bosankić (Author), Uroš Rajkovič (Mentor)


Dokumentacija v zdravstveni negi je pomemben pokazatelj kakovosti oskrbe pacientov. Lahko je v papirni ali v elektronski obliki, ki je organizirana znotraj sistema. Dokumentiranje mora potekati po najvišjih standardih, da bi zagotovili varnost in kakovost zdravstvenih storitev. E-dokumentacija je posodobitev obstoječe papirne dokumentacije z namenom izboljšanja kakovosti obravnave pacientov. Ta način dokumentiranja izboljša kakovost, berljivost in razpoložljivost podatkov. Problem predstavlja nadzor nad vstavljenimi tujki. Zaradi zagotavljanja večje sledljivosti nad intervencijami, kot so vstavitev, oskrba in odstranitev tujkov, je bil znotraj informacijskega sistema razvit modul Posegi. S pregledom in analizo dokumentacije ter z vodenimi intervjuji z zdravstvenimi delavci smo primerjali proces obravnave pacienta z obema najbolj pogostima tujkoma (endotrahealni tubus - ET in osrednji venski kateter - OVK) pred in po uvedbi e-dokumentacije. S tem smo želeli ugotoviti, ali je z uvedbo e-dokumentacije prišlo do dviga kakovosti obravnave pacientov. Na osnovi analize smo želeli proučiti možnosti izboljšav ter kako zmanjšati število zapletov, vezanih na ET in OVK. Izpostavili smo prednosti, slabosti, priložnosti in nevarnosti e-dokumentiranja tujkov. Na osnovi raziskave ne moremo popolnoma potrditi, da je z uvedbo e-dokumentacije prišlo do dviga kakovosti obravnave pacientov. Z raziskavo smo prikazali, da z novim načinom dokumentiranja pridobimo veliko več podatkov o vstavljenih tujkih, da je sledljivost boljša ter da z e-dokumentiranjem lažje in hitreje pridemo do analize podatkov in pridobimo avtomatska poročila o vstavljenih tujkih pri pacientu.


e-dokumentacija;papirna dokumentacija;endotrahealni tubus;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [N. Bosankić]
UDC: 004.42
COBISS: 8075795 Link will open in a new window
Views: 932
Downloads: 181
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The impact of e-documentation on the quality of patient care in the pediatric intensive cate unit
Secondary abstract: Documentation in health care is an important indicator of the quality of patient care. It can be held in the paper or electronic form, which can be organized within the system. Documenting must take place according to the highest standards in order to ensure safety and quality of health services. E-documentation is an upgrade of the existing paper documentation in order to improve the quality of patient care. This type of documenting improves the quality, readability and accessibility of data. Control over the inserted foreign objects represents a problem. In order to ensure higher transparency over interventions, like insertion, care and removal of foreign objects, the module Procedures was developed within the information system. With a review and analysis of the documentation and with guided interviews with health practitioners, we compared the patient care process with two most common foreign objects (endotracheal tubes – ET and central venous catheter – CVC) before and after the implementation of e-documentation. This way we wanted to determine, whether the implementation of e-documentation improved the quality of patient care. Based on the analysis, we wanted to study the possibilities for improvements and how to decrease the number of complications, connected to ET and CVC. We stressed out advantages, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of e-documenting of foreign objects. Based on the research, we cannot completely confirm that the implementation of e-documentation improved the quality of patient care. With the research, we showed that the new type of documentation ensures more data about the inserted foreign objects, that the transparency is better and that it enables quicker and easier access to data analyses and provides automatic reports about the inserted foreign objects in a patient.
Secondary keywords: - e-documentation - paper documentation - endotracheal tubes - central venous catheter - information system  ;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijo dela
Pages: 31 f.
ID: 10982112