(diplomsko delo)
Monika Mijatović (Author), Nataša Mlinar Reljić (Mentor), Anton Koželj (Co-mentor)


Izhodišča in namen: Protin je bolezen, ki vpliva na sklepe in se izraža z vnetjem sklepov zaradi nepravilne prehrane. Pacienti večinoma uživajo hrano z veliko vsebnostjo purinov, večina jih pa tudi pije alkohol, predvsem pivo. Bolezen je kronična, vendar pacient ob upoštevanju diete nima večjih težav. Bolezen lahko vpliva na pacienta tudi psihično, zaradi velikih sprememb v življenju. Z raziskavo želimo ugotoviti, pri katerih življenjskih aktivnostih imajo pacienti največ težav in kako si lahko sami pomagajo pri tem. Raziskovalne metode: Uporabljena je bila metoda pregleda literature in deskriptivna metoda dela. Izvedena je bila študija primera, kjer smo uporabili delno strukturiran intervju, v katerega je bil vključen pacient z diagnosticiranim protinom. Študija primera temelji na konceptualnemu modelu Virginije Henderson in 14-ih osnovnih življenjskih aktivnostih. Rezultati: S pomočjo študije primera smo ugotovili, da ima pacient sedem negovalnih diagnoz. Bolečina najbolj ovira starostnika pri opravljanju življenjskih aktivnostih. Razprava in sklep: Pri starostniku z diagnozo protin je najpomembnejše lajšanje bolečine. Pri tem si največ lahko pomaga sam z upoštevanjem diete in jemanjem zdravil, ki mu jih je predpisal zdravnik. Kot zelo pomembno je potrebno izpostaviti tudi podporo družine in prijateljev, ki so ključni dejavniki pri soočanju z boleznijo.


vnetje;sklep;sečna kislina;negovalni problemi;bolečina;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [M. Mijatović]
UDC: 616-053.9-083(043.2)
COBISS: 2467492 Link will open in a new window
Views: 727
Downloads: 168
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Nursing care of older people diagnosed with gout in home environment
Secondary abstract: Introduction and purpose: Gout is a disease that affects joints, resulting in joint inflammation and is caused by inappropriate nutrition. The majority of patients with gout eat foods with high levels of purines and consume alcoholic beverages, especially beer. Gout is a chronic disease, patients can reduce symptoms by following an appropriate diet. The disease can lead to psychological stress, since patients have to change their lifestyle significantly in order to treat the disease. The purpose of this research is to examine which patients' activities of daily living are affected the most by the disease and how patients can cope with it. Research methodology: The research problem in this paper was defined and described by reviewing professional literature. In empirical part, a descriptive research method was used. For the purposes of a case study a semi structured interview with a gout patient was conducted. The case study is based on the Virginia Henderson's conceptual model and its 14 activities of daily living. Results: The case study showed that the patient has seven nursing diagnoses. Pain prevents the elderly from performing the activities of daily living. Discussion and conclusion: The case study showed that pain relief plays the most important role for the examined patient. The patient himself can contribute the most to pain relief by following his diet and taking medications prescribed by his doctor. Another crucial aspect in dealing with the disease is support of family and friends.
Secondary keywords: inflammation;joint;uric acid;nursing issues;pain;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: III, 27 f., 5 f. pril.
ID: 10984780