magistrsko delo
Fotosinteza je v učnih načrtih eden od ključnih konceptov, vendar se zaradi abstraktnosti in težavnosti te teme pri učencih razvije o njej veliko naivnih in napačnih predstav. Niti z ustreznim poučevanjem se teh predstav v miselni shemi ne da zlahka spremeniti, ker so pregloboko zakoreninjene. Lahko pa učitelj s svojim načinom dela v razredu in z odnosom do predmeta bistveno prispeva k preoblikovanju napačnih miselnih shem učencev o fotosintezi in k pridobivanju novih informacij.
V življenju se oblikujejo odnosi, ki pomembno vplivajo na posameznikovo doživljanje sebe, drugih in predmetov. Najrazličnejši dejavniki, ki jim je posameznik vede ali nevede izpostavljen, vplivajo na oblikovanje teh odnosov. Na oblikovanje odnosov v času šolanja pomembno vplivajo učitelji s svojim delom, sovrstniki ter klima, ki vlada na šoli in v razredu.
Cilj naše raziskave je bil dobiti vpogled v znanje sedmošolcev, osmošolcev in devetošolcev o procesu fotosinteze. Zanimal nas je tudi odnos učencev do biologije, pouka biologije in fotosinteze. Iskali smo razlike v znanju o procesu fotosinteze in v odnosu do biologije in pouka biologije med učenci različnega spola, razreda in šole. Želeli smo tudi ugotoviti, ali obstaja povezava med odnosom do biologije kot celote in znanjem učencev o procesu fotosinteze.
Raziskavo smo izvedli na dveh osnovnih šolah v Savinjski dolini. Naš vzorec je sestavljalo 192 učencev sedmih, osmih in devetih razredov. Učenci so na anonimnem preizkusu znanja odgovorili na devet vprašanj izbirnega tipa. Na anketnem delu vprašalnika pa smo z Likertovo lestvico stališč ocenili stopnjo strinjanja s štirimi trditvami, s katerimi smo preverjali odnos do fotosinteze, in s 36 trditvami, ki so se navezovale na njihov odnos do biologije in pouka biologije.
Učenci so na preizkusu znanja pokazali zadovoljivo znanje o procesu fotosinteze, saj so skupno dosegli 63,2-odstotno uspešnost. Učenci najslabše poznajo glavno funkcijo fotosinteze, saj jo vidijo v tvorbi kisika in ne v tvorbi glukoze. Fantje so odgovarjali pravilneje kot dekleta. Sedmošolci so pokazali boljše znanje o procesu fotosinteze kot devetošolci in ti boljšega kot osmošolci. Med učenci različnih šol ni bilo razlik v znanju.
Učenci so izrazili pozitiven odnos do pouka biologije in biologije kot stroke. Med spoloma nismo našli statistično pomembnih razlik v odnosu do pouka biologije. Učenci sedmih razredov imajo pozitivnejši odnos do pouka biologije kot učenci osmih in devetih razredov. Med učenci različnih šol ni razlik v odnosu do pouka biologije.
Učenci imajo pozitiven odnos do procesa fotosinteze. Razlike v odnosu do fotosinteze so med učenci različnih šol in med učenci različnih razredov (sedmošolci imajo pozitivnejši odnos). Med spoloma nismo našli razlik v odnosu do fotosinteze.
Ugotovili smo, da obstaja povezava med znanjem o procesu fotosinteze in odnosom do biologije kot stroke in pouka biologije. Učenci z boljšim znanjem o fotosintezi imajo pozitivnejši odnos do biologije.
odnos do biologije;osnovnošolci;znanje;fotosinteza;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2018 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[K. Tajnšek] |
UDC: |
57:373.3(043.2) |
Views: |
291 |
Downloads: |
72 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Attitude of primary school pupils in Savinjska dolina toward biology and their knowledgeabout photosynthesis |
Secondary abstract: |
Photosynthesis is one of the key concepts in the curriculum. However, it is an abstract and difficult topic, and so pupils have many false assumptions and misconceptions. False assumptions and misconceptions are not easy to change despite instruction because they are deep rooted. Nevertheless, with the right approach in the classroom and with the right attitude toward the subject, the teacher can significantly reshape pupils’ false assumptions and misconceptions about photosynthesis as well as their process of learning new information.
Individuals form attitudes through life that have an important impact on their perception of themselves, other people, and objects. The development of these attitudes is influenced by various factors that an individual is consciously and subconsciously exposed to. During education, the shaping of these attitudes is largely influenced by teachers, peers, and the classroom atmosphere.
This study examines knowledge about photosynthesis among primary school pupils in seventh, eighth and ninth grade. The interests of the study were also pupils’ attitudes toward biology, biology as a class subject, and photosynthesis. The differences in these three categories were observed between sexes, from different classrooms and different schools. Furthermore, I wanted to clarify whether there is a connection between attitudes toward biology in general and pupils’ knowledge about photosynthesis.
This study was carried out at two primary schools in Savinjska dolina. The sample consisted of 192 primary school pupils in seventh, eighth, and ninth grade. They had to answer nine questions on a multiple-choice anonymous quiz. In the survey part, we used a Likert scale to express how much they agreed with four statements regarding their attitude toward photosynthesis and thirty-six statements regarding their attitude toward biology and biology as a class subject.
The quiz results showed that the pupils’ knowledge about photosynthesis is satisfactory beacue overall they scored 63,2 %. They are most unfamiliar with the main function of photosynthesis because they perceive it as oxygen formation instead of glucose formation. In comparison with girls, boys answered more questions correctly. Seventh-grade pupils showed better knowledge of photosynthesis than ninth- and eighth-grade pupils. There was no difference in pupils’ knowledge between schools.
The results show that pupils have a positive attitude toward biology as a class subject as well as toward biology as a science. There were no statistically important differences in the attitudes toward biology as a class subject between sexes. Seventh-grade pupils have a more positive attitude towards biology as a class subject than eighth- and ninth-grade pupils. There were no differences in pupils’ attitudes toward biology as a class subject between schools.
The pupils have a positive attitude toward photosynthesis. There were differences in the attitude toward photosynthesis comparing pupils from different schools and comparing pupils from different grades (seventh-grade pupils have a more positive attitude). There was no difference in the attitude toward photosynthesis between sexes.
There is a connection between knowledge about photosynthesis and attitudes toward biology as a science as well as toward biology as a class subject. Pupils that know more about photosynthesis also have a more positive attitude toward biology. |
Secondary keywords: |
primary school;biology;osnovna šola;biologija; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Predmetno poučevanje |
Pages: |
VII, 64 str. |
ID: |
10985182 |