magistrsko delo
Tin Kampl (Author), Tomaž Deželan (Mentor)


Mladi predstavljajo specifično družbeno skupino, ki se nahaja na prehodu v odraslost, na katerem se srečuje z različnimi izzivi. Magistrsko delo obravnava položaj mladih z vidika državljanskih pravic. Osrednja dilema magistrskega dela je, kako državljanske pravice, predvsem socialne in participativne, vplivajo na položaj mladih in v kakšnem položaju so mladi z vidika enakih možnosti dostopanja do državljanskih pravic v primerjavi z ostalo populacijo. Teoretičen okvir za obravnavo izpostavljene dileme predstavlja Marshallov koncept socialnega državljanstva, ki izhaja iz liberalne tradicije državljanstva. Za ocenjevanje položaja mladih z vidika enakih možnosti dostopanja do državljanskih pravic v primerjavi z ostalo populacijo pa teoretični okvir predstavlja Rawlsova teorija pravičnosti. V magistrskem delu so izpostavljena vprašanja tranzicije mladih v odraslost, dejavnikov, ki na tranzicijo vplivajo, in posebnih pravic za mlade. V raziskovalnem delu magistrske naloge so uporabljene kvantitativne (analiza sekundarnih baz podatkov) in kvalitativne (intervjuji) metode raziskovanja. Ključna ugotovitev magistrskega dela je, da so mladi specifična družbena skupina, ki zaradi svojega neenakega položaja potrebuje drugačno obravnavo.


Mladina;Državljanske pravice;Državljanstvo;Pravičnost;Slovenija;Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [T. Kampl]
UDC: 342.72/.73-053.6(043.3)
COBISS: 35986525 Link will open in a new window
Views: 679
Downloads: 233
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The position of young people in Slovenia in terms of citizenship rights
Secondary abstract: Young people represent a specific social group, which faces various challenges when transitioning to adulthood. The master's thesis explores the situation of young people in terms of citizenship rights. The main dilemma of the master's thesis is how citizens' rights, especially social and participative, affect the position of young people and in what position are young people from the point of view of equal opportunities to access citizenship rights in comparison with the rest of the population. The theoretical framework for dealing with the forementioned dilemma is Marshall's concept of social citizenship, which stems from the liberal tradition of citizenship. In order to assess the position of young people from the point of view of equal opportunities for access to citizenship rights in comparison with the rest of the population, the theoretical framework is Rawls' theory of justice. The thesis addresses issues of transition of young people into adulthood, factors influencing this transition, and special rights for young people. In the research part of the thesis, quantitative (secondary database analysis) and qualitative (interviews) methods of research are used. The key finding of the master's thesis is that young people are a specific social group, which requires different treatment due to its unequal position.
Secondary keywords: Youth;Civil rights;Citizenship;Justice;Slovenia;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 95 str.
ID: 10988440