magistrsko delo
Lara Koren (Author), Dejan Dragan (Mentor)


Izbira in ocenjevanje že obstoječih in morebitnih novih dobaviteljev je pomemben del optimizacije proizvodnega podjetja. S preučevanjem izbrane teme želimo predstaviti pomen nabavnega oddelka in poslovnih procesov nabavne funkcije v podjetju Sip d.d., opisati problem izbire in ocenjevanja dobaviteljev ter pripraviti model večparametrskega pristopa reševanja kot rešitev problema.V magistrskem delu bomo razvili računalniško podprt model za oceno in izbiro dobavitelja za proizvodno podjetje SIP d.d. z vključevanjem več parametrov izbire. S predstavitvijo rezultatov izbire in ocenjevanja dobaviteljev bomo prikazali uporabnost hierarhične metode večparametrskega odločanja AHP – analitični hierarhični proces pri odločanju o kompleksnih odločitvenih procesih. V raziskavo smo zajeli 41 največjih dobaviteljev glede na vrednost nakupov, ki jih je podjetje opravilo pri posameznem dobavitelju v letu 2017. V raziskavo smo vključili tudi uslužbence podjetja Sip d.d. iz nabavnega oddelka, skladišč in oddelka razvoja.


odločitveni model;optimizacija;nabava;dobavitelji;proizvodna podjetja;logistika;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [L. Koren]
UDC: 512
COBISS: 512969533 Link will open in a new window
Views: 842
Downloads: 88
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Suppliers evaluation and decision-making model as optimization of purchasing department in enterprise sip d.d.
Secondary abstract: The selection and evaluation of existing and potential new suppliers is an important part of the optimization in production company. By studying selected topics we wanted to present the importance of the purchasing department and business processes in the company Sip d.d., describe the problem of selection and evaluation of suppliers and prepare a model of multi-criteria approach to solve the problem defined in our research. In this master’s thesis we have developed a computationally supported model for evaluation and selection of a supplier in production enterprise SIP d.d. by including several parameters of choice. By presenting the results of the selection and evaluation of suppliers, we wanted to demonstrate the applicability of the hierarchical method of multi-criteria decision making known as AHP - an analytical hierarchical process when deciding on complex decision-making processes. In the study we included 41 of the largest suppliers in relation to the value of purchases made by the company at individual supplier in 2017. In the research we also included company employees involved in purchasing department, warehouse and development department.
Secondary keywords: decision-making model;optimization;supply;supplier;production companies;logistics;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: VIII, 81 str., [2] str. pril.
ID: 10988960