magistrsko delo
Nuša Zadravec (Author), Darko Friš (Mentor), Tomaž Kladnik (Co-mentor)


Magistrsko delo na podlagi časopisja iz obdobja prve svetovne vojne obravnava različne vloge, ki so jih slovenske ženske opravljale med veliko vojno. Čeprav Avstro-Ogrska monarhija nikoli ni organizirala ženskih vojaških korpusov, kot je bilo to značilno na primer za Rusijo, Veliko Britanijo in Francijo, je splošna mobilizacija leta 1914 na drugačen način aktivirala slovensko ženstvo. Že pred vojno so bili uvedeni številni zakoni in predpisi, ki so korenito spremenili življenje v zaledju, ki se je po uvedbi vojnega gospodarstva moralo popolnoma podrediti potrebam vojske. Uvedena je bila cenzura, poostrile so se kazni, oblasti so preganjale notranje in zunanje sovražnike. Zaradi vpoklica moških in posledično kritičnega pomanjkanja delovne sile so se ženske poleg tradicionalnih služb v sanitetni, tekstilni in trgovski industriji, zaposlovale v izrazito moških poklicih ter postale nepogrešljiv člen v vojni industriji. Postale so uslužbenke v prehrambnem sektorju, prometu, telekomunikaciji in administraciji. Postale so bolniške strežnice, vojne agitatorke, vohunke in protestnice. Ob tem so vzdrževale še družino, predvsem pa so se vsakodnevno borile proti lakoti in pomanjkanju. Ženske na podeželju so prevzele poljedelska dela, ki jih je oteževalo pomanjkanje delovne sile. Meščanske ženske so se podale na pot dobrodelne dejavnosti. Vojne razmere in odsotnost moških so ženskam omogočile vstop v javno in politično življenje, predvsem so se izkazale v zbiranju podpisov za Majniško deklaracijo. Lahko rečemo, da je vojna ženskam naložila veliko skrbi in odgovornosti, obenem pa jim dala veljavo, ki je niso imele nikoli prej.


magistrska dela;slovensko ženstvo;vloga ženske;prva svetovna vojna;delovna emancipacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [N. Zadravec]
UDC: 94(497.4)"1914/1918"-055.2(043.2)
COBISS: 24374024 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1305
Downloads: 316
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂrole of Slovenian women during the first world war
Secondary abstract: This MA thesis, based on newspapers from the First World War era, focuses on different roles that Slovenian women performed during The Great War. Even though the Austro-Hungarian Empire never organized women military corps, which was typical for Russia, Great Britain and France, the general mobilization in 1914 activated Slovenian women in a different way. Many laws were passed right before the war, which fundamentally changed the lives of the people living in the background, making everyone subordinate to the needs of the army after the implementation of the war economy. Censorship was introduced, penalties got harsher and the authorities were pursuing internal and external enemies. Because of the recruitment of men in the army, besides the traditional jobs in the sanitary, textile and trade industry, women had to employ themselves in distinctly male occupations and became an indispensable part of the war industry. They became workers in the food industry, transport, telecommunications and administration. They were also hospital servants, military agitators, spies and protesters. They did all that while still supporting their families and above all, they struggled daily against hunger and deprivation. Women in rural areas took over agricultural work, which had been hampered by labor shortages. Bourgeois women took the charity path. War conditions and the absence of men allowed women to enter public and political life, exceling in collecting signatures for the May Declaration. We can say that the war gave women a lot of worries and responsibilities, but at the same time they got validity that they never had before.
Secondary keywords: master theses;Slovenian women;the role of women;World War I;work emancipation;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Pages: VII, 90 f.
ID: 10989215