(diplomsko delo)


Agresivno vedenje pacienta predstavlja zdravstvenim delavcem zaposlenim na psihiatričnem področju velik problem. Osebje se z bolj ali manj agresivnimi izbruhi pacientov srečuje vsakodnevno, velikokrat so tudi sami žrtve agresivnih dejanj. Vzrokov za takšno vrsto vedenja je več, eden izmed mnogih je tudi prisilna hospitalizacija. V zaključnem delu smo opisali protokol hospitalizacije proti volji ter predstavili ukrepe in metode, ki se jih zdravstveno osebje poslužuje ob obravnavi agresivnega pacienta. Prav tako smo opisali vlogo in obremenjenost medicinske sestre ob soočanju z agresivnimi izbruhi. Zaključno delo je teoretičnega značaja, pri njegovi izdelavi smo uporabili deskriptivno (opisno) metodo dela. Podatke za pisanje smo zbrali s pomočjo slovenske in tuje strokovne literature. Preden smo jih zapisali v programu Microsoft Office Word smo jih sistematično uredili in analizirali. Tekom pisanja zaključnega dela smo ugotovili, da je ocena tveganja za agresivno vedenje zaposlenim v veliko pomoč pri obravnavi pacientov z duševnimi motnjami. Ustrezen pristop in pravilna komunikacija zmanjšata stopnjo agresivnosti. Velik vpliv na pojav agresivnega vedenja imajo življenjski dejavniki in psihiatrične diagnoze. Zdravstvenemu osebju predstavljajo hospitalizacija proti volji pacienta in agresivni izbruhi velik izziv, zato morajo biti vešči v različnih tehnikah komunikacije, znati morajo predvideti možnost za razvoj agresivnega vedenja, obenem pa tudi ves čas delovati v skladu z etičnimi načeli.


prisilna hospitalizacija;agresija;psihiatrija;deeskalacijske tehnike;nasilje;medicinske sestre;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [L. Rožič]
UDC: 616.89-008:614.2(043.2)
COBISS: 2474916 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1112
Downloads: 238
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Aggressive patient behavior with mental disorder and hospitalization against their will
Secondary abstract: Aggressive behaviour of patients represents a serious problem for health care professionals employed in the psychiatric area. The personnel encounter more or less aggressive outbursts of patients on a daily basis; often they are the victims of the aggressive behaviour themselves. There are many reasons for this kind of behaviour, one of them is involuntary hospitalization. An involuntary hospitalization protocol as well as measures and methods used by health care professionals when dealing with aggressive patients were presented in the thesis. Also, the role and the workload pf nurses when dealing with the aggressive outbursts were described. The diploma thesis is theoretical in nature; a descriptive method of work was applied. The data was gathered by reviewing the relevant domestic and international literature. The findings were analysed, systematically organized and written in the Microsoft Word. During the research, we discovered that the assessment of the risk for aggressive behaviour can be of a great assistance to the medical staff treating mental disorder patients. An appropriate approach and communication technique can decrease the degree of aggressiveness. Life factors and psychiatric diagnosis are the main risk factors for the occurrence of aggressive behaviour. Involuntary hospitalization and aggressive outbursts represent a challenge for health care professionals; therefore, they have to have command of various communication techniques and anticipate the aggressive behaviour as well as act in compliance with ethical principles.
Secondary keywords: involuntary hospitalization;aggression;psychiatry;de-escalation techniques;violence;nurses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: III, 27 str.
ID: 10989996