magistrsko delo
Klara Pravdič (Author), Tina Vršnik Perše (Mentor)


Uspešno sodelovanje med šolo in domom - med učitelji in starši sodi med pomembne kazalce kakovostnega vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela. Že same raziskave kažejo, da sta sodelovanje šole in medsebojna podpora bistvenega pomena za uspešno izobraževanje otroka in za njegov razvoj. Dobro načrtovano in učinkovito izvedeno vključevanje staršev prinaša pozitivne učinke tako za otroka kot za starše, učitelje in šolo v celoti. Pomembni so partnerski odnosi, ki naj bi bili vzajemno-sodelovalni. Med učitelji in starši obstajajo bolj ali manj ustaljene oblike sodelovanja, ki so lahko formalne in neformalne oblike, za uspešne oblike sodelovanja pa je potrebno določeno znanje in sposobnosti učitelja. Učitelj mora znati pristopiti do staršev, mora jih poslušati in poskušati razumeti. Vedeti mora, kako ravnati v določenih okoliščinah. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene značilnosti sodelovanja med šolo in domom oz. učitelji in starši. Natančno so opisane formalne in neformalne oblike sodelovanja. Prav tako so predstavljene kompetence učitelja, torej tiste ki so nujno potrebne za uspešno sodelovanje s starši. In prav tako je predstavljeno pomanjkanje kompetenc učitelja, zaradi katerih je lahko sodelovanje med starši in učitelji slabo. V nadaljevanju so opisana različna izobraževanja učiteljev na temo sodelovanja s starši. Zanimalo nas je ali študentje dobijo dovolj znanja o tem, kako sploh in kako dobro sodelovati s starši in kako kako postopati v določenih okoliščinah, ki so lahko včasih tudi neprijetne. Zato smo preučili učne načrte Pedagoške fakultete Univerze v Mariboru - na študijskem programu Razredni pouk. Čeprav se ve, da je sodelovanje s starši še kako zelo pomembno in prav tako je prisotno takoj, ko postanemo učitelji ali razredniki, smo pri pregledu učnega načrta Pedagoške fakultete v Mariboru, smer Razredni pouk, ugotovili, da se vsebine, ki govorijo o sodelovanju s starši ter izpeljati formalne in neformalne oblike sodelovanja, tudi kako svetovati, ko pride do vzgojnega ali učnega problema, ne namenjajo prav veliko pozornosti. Prav bi bilo, da bi se temu področju namenilo več časa oz. več predmetov, saj v današnjem času kakovostno sodelovanje med šolo in starši ni najlažje in ni samoumevno. V empiričnem delu smo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika preučevali, kako so učitelji, ki imajo različno delovno dobo in izkušnje pri delu s starši, pripravljeni in usposobljeni za sodelovanje s starši. Ali je daljša delovna doba učiteljev povezana z njihovimi značilnostmi sodelovanja s starši in kako se učitelji začetniki spoprijemajo s tem. V raziskavo so bili vključeni razredniki koroških osnovnih šol. Rezultati so pokazali, da učitelji na razredni stopnji dobro sodelujejo s starši, toda kljub temu si želijo, da bi se lahko na tem področju še dodatno izobraževali, saj jim včasih primanjkuje znanja ali izkušenj, da bi bilo njihovo sodelovanje kakovostnejše in da bi jim starši bolj zaupali. Prav tako učitelji menijo, da bi bilo potrebno za uspešno medsebojno sodelovanje izobraževati tudi starše učencev.


magistrska dela;starši;učitelji;sodelovanje;oblike sodelovanja;kompetence učitelja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [K. Pravdič]
UDC: 37.064.1:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 24495880 Link will open in a new window
Views: 752
Downloads: 259
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂconnection between experience of first-cycle elementary teachers and their competency and willingness to cooperate with parents
Secondary abstract: Successful cooperation between school and home - between teachers and parents - is one of the key indicators of quality educational process. Studies show that school cooperation and mutual support are essential for the successful education of the child and its development. Well-planned and effective parental involvement brings positive effects for the child and also parents, teachers and school as a whole. Therefore, cooperation between all actors involved is important and should be reciprocally beneficial. There are more or less established, formal or informal, forms of cooperation between teachers and parents. However, for these forms of cooperation to be successful and positive, certain knowledge and skills are needed. The teacher must know how to approach parents, listen to them and try to understand them. He or she must know how to act in certain situations. In the theoretical part, the characteristics of cooperation between school and home - teachers and parents - are presented. Formal and informal forms of cooperation are described in detail. Teachers' competencies needed for successful cooperation with parents are also presented, as well as how the lack of these competencies can negatively influence this cooperation. Hereinafter different teacher education programs for cooperation with parents are described. The curricula of the Elementary Education programme of the Faculty of Education of the University of Maribor has been reviewed, in order to find out if students are able to acquire enough knowledge regarding cooperation with parents and how to react in certain potentially unpleasant situations. Despite the fact that the cooperation with parents is among the most important aspects of the profession, when reviewing the above-mentioned curriculum, it was discovered that there is not enough emphasis put on this aspect. We found out that the content that speaks of cooperation with parents, how to carry out formal and informal forms of cooperation and how to advise when there is an educational or learning problem, is not payed enough attention. There should be more emphasis put on this topic, since nowa days quality cooperation between schools and parents is neither easiest nor self-evident. In the empirical part of this thesis, there was a questionnaire developed with the aim of examining how teachers with different years of service and experience in cooperation with parents are prepared and trained to work with them. Furthermore, the connection between years of service and characteristics of cooperation was examined, as well as how are beginners in the field dealing with this. Class teachers of elementary schools from the region of Carinthia participated in the survey. The results showed that the class teachers work well with parents. However, in order to make their cooperation better and more trustful, they want to be able to further develop their expertise, because they sometimes lack knowledge or experience. Teachers also believe that for the successful mutual cooperation, parents should also be educated on the topic.
Secondary keywords: master theses;parents;teachers;cooperation;forms of cooperation;teacherʼs competence;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 85 f.
ID: 10990803