diplomsko delo
Nastja Ambrožič (Author), Jurij Selan (Mentor), Matej Zapušek (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu se posvečam izobraževalnim računalniškim igram in zasnovi za izobraževalno računalniško igro o likovnih spremenljivkah. V teoretičnem delu povzemam dognanja pomembnih avtorjev iz področja o tem, kaj je igra in kaj je računalniška igra. Na splošno pišem o učnem potencialu izobraževalnih računalnikih iger, njihovih koristih in negativnih izkušnjah pri uporabi ter o učinku na učenje, motivacijo in dinamiko razreda. Igra, ki jo bom zasnovala, je preplet tehnologije in likovne umetnosti, zato so v diplomskem delu opisane tudi likovne spremenljivke, saj so le-ta glavna vsebinska tema. V empiričnem delu je opisan model za razvoj iger - SADDIE in preplet z idejami, kako bi igra izgledala. Opisala sem kakšna bi bila podoba in vsebina. Opisani in skicirani so zametki karakterjev, opisano je tudi, kaj bi učenci počeli v fantazijskem svetu likovnih spremenljivk in na kakšen način so učni cilji povezani s cilji igre. Ključne besede


izobraževalna računalniška igra;zasnova;likovne spremenljivke;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [N. Ambrožič]
UDC: 73:004(043.2)
COBISS: 12224841 Link will open in a new window
Views: 592
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Design for an educational computer game about art variables
Secondary abstract: This thesis is dedicated to educational computer games. It also contains a rough design for educational computer game about art variables. In the first theoretical part, I summarized the findings of important authors from this field – what the game in general is and what is a computer game. I am writing about the learning potential of educational computer games, their benefits and negative experience of use, their impact on learning, study motivation and how playing games in class affects the dynamics between pupils. The game I intend to develop is a mix of a technology and fine art which is why the thesis also describes art variables, as they are the main topic. In the practical part of my thesis, I described a model for game development– SADDIE, and, combined the model with my personal ideas as well. I described what the image and content would be, sketches of characters are included, what the (pupil) players would do in the fantasy world of art variables and how are the learning goals linked to the final goals of the game.
Secondary keywords: fine arts;likovna umetnost;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Likovna pedagogika
Pages: 46 str.
ID: 10991911
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