magistrsko delo
Amanda Ferlež (Author), Peter Krajnc (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo obravnavali problematiko poslabšanja fizikalnih lastnosti mehke poliuretanske pene ob dodatku aditivov za samougasljivost. Kvalitetna poliuretanska pena je v današnjem svetu zelo pomembna, saj se nahaja v vsakem stanovanju v obliki ležišč, sedežnih garnitur, ipd. Naše delo je obsegalo izdelavo eterske in esterske poliuretanske pene nizke gostote po laboratorijskem postopku. Obema tipoma pene smo dodajali različne aditive za samougasljivost v različnih količinah in spremljali njihov vpliv na fizikalne lastnosti končnega izdelka. Na eterski peni smo testirali devet, na esterski pa osem komercialno dostopnih aditivov za samougasljivost. Od vseh testiranih aditivov se je najbolje izkazal reaktivni aditiv za samougasljivost na bazi fosforja 2 (rADSP 2) in reaktivni aditiv za samougasljivost na bazi fosforja 3 (rADSP 3). Oba dajeta zelo obetavne rezultate tako pri eterskih penah, kot pri esterskih, kar ne moremo trditi za ostale testirane aditive. Da smo dobili samougasljivo peno smo v primeru eterskih pen potrebovali 3 g rADSP 2 na 100 g poliolne komponente in 5 g rADSP 3 na 100 g poliolne komponente, v primeru esterskih pen pa 3 g rADSP 2 na 100 g poliolne komponente in 6 g rADSP 3 na 100 g poliolne komponente. Zaradi dobrih rezultatov se bosta prenesla iz laboratorijskih testiranj v proizvodni del procesa izdelave mehke poliuretanske pene.


mehka poliuretanska pena;aditivi za samougasljivost;fizikalne lastnosti;vpliv aditivov;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [A. Ferlež]
UDC: 678.664.01(043.2)
COBISS: 22169878 Link will open in a new window
Views: 746
Downloads: 89
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The effect of fire retardants on polyurethane foams properties
Secondary abstract: In this study, the issue of flame retardants detoriating the physical properties of soft polyurethane foam was discussed. Quality polyurethane foam is very important in today's world because it is located in every appartment in the form of beds, couches, etc. The experiment consisted of the production of ether and esther low-density polyurethane foam by laboratory-scale cup-foaming. Different flame retardants in different quantities were added to both types of foams and effect on physical properties of end-product was meassured. On ether foam nine comercialy available flame retardans were tested and on esther foam eight comectialy available flame retardants were tested. Of all the tested additives, we were most impressed by the reactive phosphorus-based flame retardant 2 (rADSP 2) and the reactive phosphorus-based flame retardant 3 (rADSP 3). Both showed promising results on both types of foams, which can not be said for other flame retardants. For obtaining self-extinguishing ether foam 3 g rADSP 2 per 100 g of poliol compound and 5 g rADSP 3 per 100 g of poliol compound were used. In the case of esther foam 3 g rADSP 2 per 100 g of poliol compound and 6 g rADSP 3 per 100 g of poliol compound were used. Due to good results, mentioned flame retardants will be used in manufacturing soft polyurethane foam on a large-scale.
Secondary keywords: softy polyurethane foam;flame retardants;physical properties;effects of aditives;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: X, 43 str.
ID: 10993100