[magistrsko diplomsko delo]
Maksimilijan Gale (Author), Katarina Zajc (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo z naslovom Vpliv družbeno odgovornega poslovanja podjetij na njihovo poslovanje predstavlja analizo koncepta družbeno odgovornega poslovanja, ki predstavlja enega od načinov, s katerim lahko podjetja z naravno vpetostjo v okolje in ob upoštevanju interesov širše družbe postanejo uspešnejša. Kljub pozitivni konotaciji, ki je s konceptom povezana, je v magistrskem delu opozorjeno na negativne aspekte, ki se lahko skrivajo pod krinko družbeno odgovornega poslovanja. Celotno delo je mogoče razdeliti na tri dele. V prvem delu so predstavljeni pojem družbeno odgovornega poslovanja in z njim povezani pojmi, ki so ključni za razumevanje celotnega koncepta. V drugem delu so predstavljeni ekonomski učinki družbeno odgovornega poslovanja na poslovanje podjetij, v tretjem delu magistrskega dela pa je poudarek na pravnem področju družbeno odgovornega poslovanja. Predstavljena je obstoječa pravna ureditev tega področja in njen vpliv na poslovanje podjetij. Pojasnjeno je, v čem je problem trenutne ureditve, v čem je problem razumevanja koncepta družbeno odgovornega poslovanja na način, kot ga razumejo podjetja, hkrati pa so predstavljene rešitve, kako de lege ferenda urediti navedeno področje tako, da do anomalij ne bi prihajalo.


družbeno odgovorno poslovanje;CSR;odgovornost;poslovni primer;prostovoljni koncept;negativne eksternalije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [M. Gale]
UDC: 330(043.2)
COBISS: 16504145 Link will open in a new window
Views: 883
Downloads: 302
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The influence of corporate social responsibility on business performance of companies
Secondary abstract: The master thesis The influence of corporate social responsibility on business performance of companies, analyses the concept of corporate social responsibility, which represents one of the mechanisms, how to improve business performance of the company. It enables companies to become more successful on the market, by taking into account the interests of stakeholders and through space integration. Although the concept of corporate social responsibility carries in general a positive connotation, the thesis points out some negative aspects that are linked to the current concept. The master thesis is divided into three parts. In the first part, in order to understand the issue that arises, the term of corporate social responsibility and other crucial terms related to it, are clarified. In the second part, the economic effects of the previously mentioned concept are presented. In the final part of the master thesis, the emphasises are on legal aspects of corporate social responsibility, especially on legal regulation of corporate social responsibility, its influences on business performance of companies and the issues related to current regulation. It is also clarified what are the problems of business case scenario and finally the thesis suggests how to solve all the issues that are pointed out throughout the thesis.
Secondary keywords: corporate social responsibility;CSR;responsibility;business case;voluntary concept;negative externalities;neutralisation;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 39 f.
ID: 10993239