magistrsko delo
Maja Ramšak (Author), Matej Sande (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava pomen socialnega marketinga za uspešnost komunikacijskih kampanj. Prvi del v ospredje postavi socialni marketing kot vedo in posameznikov proces spreminjanja vedenja v družbi. V delu so predstavljene različne teorije za posameznikove spremembe vedenja (npr. socialnokognitivna teorija, teorija stopenjskih sprememb, teorija izmenjave, vedenjska teorija). Pomemben segment magistrskega dela je tudi opredelitev strateško načrtovanega socialnega marketinga, ki predstavlja ključen dejavnik družbenih sprememb. Skozi teorijo se dotaknemo tudi vpliva komunikacije pri tovrstnem delu, ki se načrtovano razvije v drugi poglavitni del, in sicer v strateško planirane komunikacijske kampanje. Pri začetnem raziskovanju je bila v ospredje postavljena predpostavka, da se v nevladnih organizacijah namenja premalo pozornosti fazam (načrtovanje, izvedba in ovrednotenje) komunikacijskih kampanj in da se tehnike socialnega marketinga pri spremembi vedenja ciljnih skupin ne upoštevajo dovolj. Teoretične ugotovitve so povezane z intervjuji s strani nevladnih organizacij in dveh strokovnjakov. Namen raziskave je bil prepoznati, katere faze komunikacijske kampanje pri svojem delu uporabljajo nevladne organizacije in na kakšen način razumejo pomen socialnega marketinga pri nagovarjanju ciljnih skupin. Prispevek dela so na podlagi teorije in rezultatov empiričnega dela izdelana priporočila, ki bodo lahko v pomoč pri načrtovanju, izvajanju in ovrednotenju uspešnih komunikacijskih kampanj v nevladnih organizacijah, tudi s pomočjo znanja in veščin zaposlenih socialnih pedagogov.


socialni marketing;komunikacijske kampanje;sprememba vedenja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Ramšak]
UDC: 316.6:339.13(043.2)
COBISS: 12251465 Link will open in a new window
Views: 490
Downloads: 101
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Impact of social marketing on successful communication campaigns
Secondary abstract: This master’s thesis studies the impact of social marketing in the communication campaigns. The first part of the thesis puts at the forefront social marketing as a science, and defines an individual's process of behavioural change in a society. The paper presents different theories of behavioural changes, such as Social cognitive theory, Theory of stage changes, Theory of exchange and Behavioural theory. A more significant segment is the definition of strategically planned social marketing, which plays an important role in social change. Throughout the theory the meaning of communication in this field of work is stressed, and then purposefully developed into the second key part of the thesis, namely the strategically planned communication campaigns. The initial assumption was that non-governmental organisations do not focus enough attention on the phases of communication campaigns (planning, implementation and evaluation), and that the social marketing techniques are not sufficiently taken into account regarding changes in behaviour of target groups. Theoretical findings are complemented by interviews conducted online and in person with non-governmental organizations and professionals. The purpose of the research was to identify the stages in the communication campaigns used by non-governmental organizations in their work, and how they understand the importance of social marketing in addressing target groups. Based on the theory and results of the empirical part, the main contribution of the thesis are recommendations which can help with the planning, implementation and evaluation of successful communication campaigns in non-governmental organizations, reinforced by the knowledge and skills of active social pedagogues.
Secondary keywords: marketing;communication;NGO;trženje;komunikacija;nevladna organizacija;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: 97 str.
ID: 10994453